Kate Pryde is dead. Everyone is grieving and angry that one of the greatest mutants was murdered. Now the body is recovered, they must lay the body to rest. Find out what happens in Marauders #11 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Stefano Caselli
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 12th, 2020
Previously in Marauders: Kate Pryde has died by an unknown assailant and all resurrection attempts have failed. Everyone is reeling from the pain of her sudden dead and losing hope when she can’t be resurrected. Now that the body has been found, maybe the mutant Krakoa can now find some solace.
The issue begins with the funeral service of Kate Pryde. In Krokoa, there will be no buried corpses and thus a boat is flung into the ocean and set on fire. Emma Frost takes this very hard, and goes back to her home and sobs. She is comforted by Lockheed who has flown all the way to Krakoa and reveals that Kate was killed by Sebastian Shaw. Emma is furious but controls her emotion enough to try and convince The Five to try resurrecting Kate one more time.
Meanwhile, Storm meets up with Delores to thank her for the information about the poisoned Krakoan medicine and establishes positive diplomatic relationships with the United States. Storm is also pleasantly surprised to see that the medicine saved Delores’ mother. Back at Krakoa, Emma Frost was able to figure out why Kate cannot be resurrected. It is because Kate needs to phase out of the boundary instead of pushing against it and with some mental coaxing; Shadowcat comes back to the world of the living.
This new era of X-Men has allowed good and evil villains to stand next to each other and share common goals. Watching these mutants stand side by side as they push Kate out into the ocean is such a cool scene. I crave a unity storyline where people are working together to overcome obstacles. So the first few pages and seeing the artistic interpretation of a mutant funeral really touched home. We also see Nightcrawler writing a note to Kate and providing a great running commentary as the scene is taking place. For the first few pages alone, this comic feels like a must read.
I wonder if this story is going to turn into an Emma Frost revenge theme. I am not sure if I want that storyline for this comic but I think that is because I enjoy Shadowcat as a character more. Will the creative team go for a storyline of reconciliation within Krakoa and the people who want to see it fall? Or will we see a revenge storyline and watch the world be on the bad end of Emma Frost’s wraith? I don’t know but I’m excited to find out.
I really enjoyed reading this issue but I think the main criticism by some will be that it felt a little slow. Despite that, I think this story was very enjoyable and I love watching characters process trauma and grief. If you are interested in a story like that then I think now may be a good time to jump onto the Marauders title! 4 out of 5 stars for Marauders #11.
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Marauders #11
Kate Pryde has perished and is unable to be revived. It seems like Krakoa has lost one of their greatest mutants and one of the best people.