The Great Old Ones have broken through, and are now making their way through as Call of the Cthulhu 7th Edition arrives on the virtual tabletop platform.
The system, which recently surged to become the second most played system on the platform, now has an official Roll20 character sheet and Roll20 Compendium support with the Keeper Rulebook. The Rulebook includes both pre-generated characters and two scenarios along with a wealth of searchable rules so players can di(v)e right in.
For those who just want to dip their toes and try out what may be a new system, Roll20 has also launched free Quick Start Rules with a introductory scenario anyone can try.
Roll20 Features for the Keeper Rulebook:
● Full compendium with all book assets, including rules pages for presenting the mythos, combat chases, and Investigator creation.
● Over 30 NPCs and monsters, rollable tables, macros, and pre-generated characters
● 6 maps with GM layer and Dynamic Lighting support (Plus/Pro subscribers)
● Stat blocks for mythos monsters, deities of the mythos, traditional horrors, and beasts
● Over 100 spells and nearly 700 hundred items
● Two Scenario modules: Amidst the Ancient Trees and Crimson Letters.
The Keeper’s Rulebook for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition is available now in the Roll20 Marketplace for $54.95 USD.