Rod Esprionza returns to Action Labs Entertainment to write Adventure Finders #1. Read about the adventures of Clariette de Artegnean as she goes off to find what adventures she can follow, what monsters she can fight, and what friends she finds.
Writer: Rod Espinosa
Artist: Rod Espinosa
Colorist: Rod Espionsa
Editor: Shawn Gabborin
Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 21st, 2019
Previous in Adventure Finders: Clari is a starry eyed girl who seeks adventure. She has overcome her schooling, met with the Warriors of Dawn, and even went head to head with her parents. After numerous trials, Clari, her cousin Jolfe and Deren, and new friend Ariarra have survived the initial travels and are at the city of Bridgetown. What new adventures are in store for the rest of her travels?
Chapter 1: The Long March begins with a decree that the Liege Lord Justinius and an army will be heading up to protect Clari’s hometown of Good River. Clari, Jolfe, and Ariarra bid farewell to Cousin Deren and head with convey back to their home. The gigantic convey travels with twelve thousand soldiers and an abundance of supplies. During downtime, Clari is found feeding a mysterious talking creature that is in the cage within the camp. As the convoy is traveling, a tree falls into the convey and an ambush begins. A huge battle takes place between the convey and these orc-like ambushers. The creatures seem to have explosive ammunition that they can throw that break through Lord Justinius’ men and armor with ease. As the battle rages on Clari hears a roar and heads off to see if she can save her caged friend.Taking a horse, she gallops straight into the main battle and finds herself at an overturned cage. The creature is freed it is revealed the be an anthropomorphic large cat. He picks up a glaive and joins the fray.
This is a strong story with a solid female lead protagonist whose bravery is commendable. The art is remarkably done. There is a panel where there’s a tree falling to the ground and the amount of detail that was drawn on each and every tree branch is impressive. I think this attention to detail really sets a good foundation for the story. Often in Rod’s writing we will see several pages of gorgeous art work and minimal writing but you still understand what is going on through the panels.
The theme for this story has to deal with youth. Clari is a younger protagonist that is like a clean slate. The cat folk creature shows a great intelligence but is locked up and treated as a circus animal. Clari treats this creature with humanity and has fantasies of buying this creature’s freedom. Setting up Clari has a young person who still has her compassion has a potential for strong growth as the story continues.
This story has all the elements you want from a fantasy coming of age story. A strong protagonist, an enemy to challenge the protagonist, and elements of myth that comes alive along with our hero. I believe this is a great read and will be putting this on my reading list for future months.
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This story has all the elements you want from a fantasy coming of age story. A strong protagonist, an enemy to challenge the protagonist, and elements of myth that comes alive along with our hero.
1 Comment
Thank you for the wonderful review! I really like that you went in depth. I hope you review all the new episodes in the coming years and I hope the stories entertain you.