Rumors of her death have been much exaggerated, but there’s still profit to be made in the galaxy, for a clever entrepreneur… Your Major Spoilers review of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1 awaits!
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salvador Larocca
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Jordan B. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Star Wars: Doctor Aphra: “It is a period of opportunity. In a galaxy oppressed by the cruelty of Imperial forces, there is little hope for the future. But for those used to operating on the fringes, there is much potential for profit. Rogue archaeologist Doctor Aphra is no stranger to risk in the pursuit of both credits and thrills; from her recent acquisition of a pair of homicidal droids, to her ever-increasing debt to Wookiee warrior Black Krrsantan, and most of all, her secret work for Darth Vader, Imperial enforcer and Dark Lord of the Sith. Now, having successful faked her own death a Vader’s hands, Aphra is back to doing what she does best: locating and liberating rare artifacts, droid and Wookiee companions by her side…”
The world of the galaxy far, far away has seldom been as entertaining to me as in recent years, thanks to Marvel’s revamped post-Star Wars storylines. This issue opens with a lovely Indiana Jones riff, with a daring infiltration, a hairsbreadth escape and even something approximating the giant boulder. Unlike Doctor Jones, though, this archaeologist lacks the devil’s luck, and is immediately shot down…
…by Doctor Aphra. I have to admit, I laughed at this, thinking that it was Aphra under the helmet and respirator. Before she can take her latest “acquisition” to get fenced, Doctor Aphra is confronted by a gangster with a grudge to whom she owes a debt, and only escapes by the skin of her teeth, thanks to her Wookiee associate. Things get worse when she discovers that her Doctorate has been suspended (making it impossible for her to sell the artifact for its true value through legitimate channels) and the issue ends with Aphra discovering the man responsible: Her own father!
I really love this issue, from it’s fake-out open to the wonderfully complex dialogue to the massive and improbable hats. Aphra plays in the same shadows of The Empire that make Han Solo such fun, and her situation is made even more fun by her droids: Murderous, sarcastic, dark mirrors of Artoo and Threepio who actually commit a murder and then argue whether they can burn the body, because spontaneous human combustion is totally a thing. Add in the presence of an equally dangerous Wookiee, and this feels a lot like a flipside Star Wars story with a much-needed female protagonist. The art is quit spectacular as well, keeping the important visual elements that make is Star Wars, with bits and pieces of ‘Blade Runner’ style darkness, and excellent facial expressions, even in those without human faces.
In short, this issue takes one of the best new Star Wars characters, plops her down in her element and lets the whole thing play out as it has to. Death, backstabbing and chicanery ensue, leaving her in a terrible state, making me want to read more of this story. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1 is a real winner, with excellent art and a homicidal protocol droid, earning a well-deserved 4 out of 5 stars overall. I’m gonna be getting every issue of this one…
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