The latest Star Wars trailer finally landed online, and it is here for you to watch, again, and again, and again!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)
Watch the official trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, coming totheaters December 18, 2015.Visit Star Wars at http://www.starwars.comSubscribe to Star …
Well, what did you think? Use the comment section to share your thoughts!
(giddy with excitement)
The musical score and the cinematography of all the ships taking flight were amazing! I had to rewind and pause that one scene where it looked like the Millennium Falcon blew up because it literally made me gasp out loud.
This is just my very picky opinion but I think its a mistake to make the melted Darth Vader helmet a symbol of evil. The first 5 films was about Anakin’s fall from good to evil and RotJ was his redemption. In the end Vader was good. The helmet should symbolize a new hope. It should not be used as a symbol for evil or fear or the dark side as it was portrayed in the trailer.
With that said, if that’s my only complaint about the film then this is going to be one amazing movie!
I don’t know that Vader’s helmet is a symbol of evil per se, but it is certainly being used as a symbol to Kylo Ren. The bit with Han saying that the stories were true lets us know that the events of the original trilogy exists as a kind of fantasy to the younger generation. Things they can’t believe are real, and as such aspects of those stories are going to be twisted and changed. We, as the audience, know what happened on the Death Star with Vader, Luke and the Emperor…but Luke is the only living person in the Star Wars universe who really know. Who would believe a story of Vader becoming a good guy in the end? Average guy on average Imperial planet wouldn’t. They would think it is just Rebel propaganda. Stories have a kind of power, especially when we edit them in the retelling to suit our needs. I’m willing to bet the Empire did just that following the battle of Endor as they reformed into the First Order. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vader was not made into some sort of Imperial martyr in the telling of those tails.
I agree. One guy in the entire Galaxy was witness to the death of the Emperor and Vader. He may have passed on a few details to a few close confidants, but do you really go around trumpeting the fact that you are VADER’s SON?!? To the remains of the Empire and certain other man in the street elements Luke can easily be smeared as an assassin who threw the Galaxy into further chaos by killing the two people who maintained order.
Vader’s image could easily be built up as a rallying point for the remnants of the Empire to continue their battle for control of the Galaxy.
I think The Force Awakens looks great, and I’m stoked to see it!
I like that it still feels like Star Wars, this close to the release. I will keep my expectations realistic, but it looks very promising.