Or at least that is what Marvel wants us to believe as the latest trailer for the next big thing arrived in our inbox a few moments ago. Included with the image was the tag “Cuts above the rest…”
We’ve seen Age of Ultron, Age of Apocalypse, and House of M; could we be looking at the Age of Wolverine, where everyone gets the Sniktity Snikt powers?
And for those wondering, there are 52 marks… another dig at DC and the New 52.
So they’re finally admitting that Logan is their god and master…
Is it merely coincidence that there are 52 marks?
What Weapon X version are we up to – maybe it’s a dig and a hint?
I figured the “dig” would come at the end of every month when the sale figures are released.
My guess would be a weekly starring Wolvie. With the success Marvel has had with bi-weekly books lately, it seems like the next logical step.
Is there anything to assume by the lower right cluster of scratches being out of kilter with the rest of them?