Batman doesn’t use guns, but in the upcoming Beware the Batman animated series, we’ve seen butler Alfred Pennyworth wielding guns. In light of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Warner Bros. has decided to tone down the violence.
Variety reports on the rumor that make sense from a PR standpoint.
An unspecified number of alterations were made to some designs and situations on the series to minimize the amount of weapon imagery deemed too realistic.
The review process, which isn’t expected to be cheap, will be as detailed as changing the shape of gun barrels from round to square for the purpose of rendering the weapons in a more stylized manner reminiscent of sci-fi fare.
It’s an interesting turn of events for the series that doesn’t debut until 2013.
I’m kind of glad that they’re doing it (despite Alfred’s backstory, anyone hanging with Batman being a gunman struck me as out of character), but it’s a shame that it took Aurora & not common sense to get them to make changes. I’m still not looking forward to this series.
Oh, for Pete’s sake. It’s ridiculous to blame something like the Aurora shootings on popular media. I grew up in an era when there were plenty of war movies and crime drama on TV, not to mention cartoon violence, and not once did anybody ever think it would be a good idea to drop an anvil on somebody’s head, like in the cartoons. Or to take a gun to school or a movie theater. If I had a kid, I’d much rather have them watch something like “Heavens Gate” with its grotesque blood spurts whenever somebody got shot than something like “The A Team” where they sprayed hundreds of machine gun bullets each episode around without anybody ever getting hurt. I ask you, which of the two would be more likely to teach a kid to respect guns rather than treating them like a toy? They need to focus on what motivated a sick freak to walk into a crowded movie house with loaded guns, instead of simply blaming the whole thing on violence in the media. I am just waiting for some pretend pundit to pop up on a news program and claim the Aurora shooter liked to play violent video games.
That said, the idea of Alfred Pennyworth being a crime fighter is absurd, much less his running around spraying bullets all over the place. And is that Catwoman with a kantana? What are the people at Warner Brothers smoking and where can I buy some?
That would be Katana with the Katana
I’m cool with de-aging Alfred and making him an MI6-esque agent, but him toting guns just seems wrong. Especially considering who he’s standing next to.
This is bullshit, and we had come such a long way since G.I. Joe laser guns and parachutes, such progress new wasted.