Skybound Comet, the YA imprint of Skybound Entertainment, announced the September 2024 release of Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three: Queen of Mercy, the final chapter of the high seas fantasy series from Mairghread Scott and Pablo Tunica.
Browsing: Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three: Queen of Mercy
Skybound Entertainment announced the final chapter of Sea Serpent’s Heir is scheduled to wrap the series in September with Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three: Queen of Mercy.
Skybound Comet, announced Mairgrhread Scott and Pablo Tunica are back with one more tale to tell in Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three: Queen of Mercy.
Skybound Comet announced the third installment of Mairghread Scott and Pablo Tunica’s Sea Serpent’s Hear will drop in the Fall of 2024.