Browsing: Scot Eaton

Orchis destroyed the mutant nation of Krakoa, but Cable has other concerns. Can he stop tomorrow’s problems and neutralize the Neocracy threat? Find out in Cable #1 by Marvel Comics! 

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Once upon a time, Loki stole the hammer of Thor and nearly destroyed his brother and Asgard itself! Thor managed to prevail, but… What If? Your Major Spoilers review of What If: Dark Loki #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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Two Nick Furys, no waiting! But will even the father/son team be enough to unlock the secrets of S.C.O.R.P.I.O.? Your Major Spoilers review of Fury #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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The Marvel Comics What If…? series has always been fascinating as it gave us a chance to see what would happen if there was some tweak or change to classic heroes and storylines. Marvel Comics is bringing the series back, but making everything dark…

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