Titan Comics announced Bloodborne: The Bleak Dominion #1, a new Bloodborne comic book from Cullen Bunn and Piotr Kowalski, will arrive in September 2023.
Browsing: piotr kowalski
Giant spiders in the city sound like a conspiracy fantasy, but evidence arrives in the Department of Parks and Recreation. What does this mean for Vin’s and Reynolds’ hunt? Find out in All Eight Eyes A#2 from Dark Horse!
Dark Horse Books has teamed with T-Pub for the upcoming The Many Deaths of Barnaby James, a gothic fantasy book from Brian Nathanson, Neil Gibson, and Piotr Kowalski.
Vin Spencer is at a low point in his life when he meets a man who hunts giant spiders in New York City. Is this a drug-induced hallucination, or did it really happen? Find out in All Eight Eyes #1 from Dark Horse!
In a battle of cops vs. slashers, plainly the slashers will win. But who can face down an army of slashers in their home neighborhood? Find out in Where Monsters Lie #3 from Dark Horse Comics!
With one witness, Connor Hayes has an excuse to bring the police into Wilmhurst. How will the residents react to them, when those residents are all killers? Find out in Where Monsters Lie #2 from Dark Horse Comics!
Psychopathic murderers may be good at killing, but Wilmhurst helps them take care of the more mundane aspects of life. But what happens when some kids get a little too close, and a slasher does not follow the HOA rules? Find out in Where Monsters Lie #1 from Dark Horse Comics!
Those with arachnophobia should probably not take the jump to read the news about Dark Horse Comics’ All Eight Eyes mini-series by Steve Foxe and Piotr Kowalski.
Mad Cave Studios announced the upcoming release of its first adult original graphic novel, The Karman Line, written by Dennis Hopeless with art by Piotr Kowalski.
Kyle Starks goes behind the scenes to deliver all the gory details and more in his brand-new meta-horror series, Where Monsters Lie.
Mad Cave Studios is set to launch an original graphic novel line with The Karman Line by writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Piotr Kowalski.
Titan Comics sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Bloodborne: Lady of the Lanterns #2 that lands in stores this week.
Dark Horse Comics announced the 2023 release of Skinner, a horror original graphic novel from Micky Neilson, Samwise Didier, and artist Piotr Kowalski.
Titan Comics releases Bloodborne: The Lady of the Lanterns #1 this week. The comic book series is based on the gothic video game series.