Maverick released a sneak peek at Navigating With You, a new YA OGN by Jeremy Whitley and Cassio Reibeiro.
Browsing: Maverick
What if being messy wasn’t a flaw, but a feature? That is what I’m A Mess: The Guide For A Messy Life explores challenges faced by individuals with neurodiversities such as ADHD.
KING ARTHUR AND THE KNIGHTS OF JUSTICE Writer: Joe Corallo Artist: Gaia Cardinali Publisher: Maverick…
Maverick, an imprint of Mad Cave Studios, announced the June 2024 release of Of Her Own Design by Birdie Willis, Nicole Andelfinger, Vash Taylor, and Fiona Marchbank.
Maverick, the YA imprint of Mad Cave Studios announced the May release of Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, based on the 90s animated series.
Maverick, the YA imprint of Mad Cave Studios, announced the April 2024 release of King Arthur and The Knights of Justice, an update the the ’90s animated series, by Joe Corallo and Gaia Cardinali.
Maverick announced the June 2024 release of Of Her Own Design, a new YA OGN from Birdie Willis, Fiona Marchback, Nicole Andlefinger, and Vash Taylor.
Maverick, an imprint of Mad Cave Studios, announced the March 2024 release of Silver Vessels, a new YA OGN by Steve Orlando and Katia Vecchio.
The Netflix WINX saga continues at Maverick with Fate: The Winx Saga, Volume 1: Dark Destiny by writer Olivia Quartero-Briggs and artist Christianne Gillenardo-Goudreau.
Maverick, the YA imprint of Mad Cave Studios, announces the April 2024 release of Scoop Volume 1: Breaking News by Richard Ashley Hamilton.
Maverick, the YA imprint of Mad Cave Studios, announced Silver Vessels, an original graphic novel by Steve Orlando and Katie Vecchio, will arrive in March 2024.
Maverick sent Major Spoilers an early look at Voyage de Gourmet, a YA OGN by Paul Tobin and Jem Milton.
Maverick, the young adult imprint of Mad Cave Studios, has teamed with 41 Entertainment to adapt the ’90s King Arthur and the Knights of Justice cartoon series into a comic book.
Mad Cave Studios and 41 Entertainment Have Officially Engaged To Publish King Arthur & the Knights of Justice + Princess Gwenevere & the Jewel Riders Graphic Novels for young adult readers through its imprint Maverick.