BOOM! Studios announced a new original series, A Vicious Circle, a prestige three-issue series, from Mattson Tomlin and artist Lee Bermejo.
Browsing: Lee Bermejo
Batman: Dear Detective #1 is a book that is almost entirely made up of covers! Was that a good idea?
What happens when a comics art powerhouse meets one of the greatest, most exciting heroes of all time? We’re about to find out in this sneak peek of today’s Batman: Dear Detective #1 from DC Comics.
Batman has deployed one of his most powerful weapons in the hunt for the mysterious bomber plaguing Gotham City…but it’s not the Batmobile, the Batwing, or even the batarangs. What could it be? Find out in this week’s Detective Comics #1060 from DC Comics.
Riddle me this…when is a criminal not a criminal? We are about to find out in this new story arc kicking off today in Detective Comics #1059 from DC Comics.
DC Comics sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1058 that hits stores today.
Batman is back! And just in time to save the life of Nightwing, who was given a fear toxin super-dose and tossed out of a skyscraper in this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1057 from DC Comics.
The Scarecrow stalks The Tower! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1056 from DC Comics. The issue arrives in stores this week.
With their grand scheme crumbling around them, Dr. Wear and the mysterious Dr. Ocean have lost control of Arkham Tower in this sneak peek of this week’s Detective Comics #1055 from DC Comics.
Batman #121 concludes the “Abyss” arc this week, and we have a preview of the issue from DC Comics.
It’s Nightwing versus Psycho-Pirate in the grand finale of “Shadows of the Bat” in this week’s Detective Comics #1054 from DC Comics.
Is… that… Azrael? Take the jump for a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1053 from DC Comics to find out.
DC Comics has released a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1052 that arrives in stores today.
Psyco-Pirate? Things are going to go all kinds of sideways in this week’s Detective Comics #1051 from DC Comics.