Browsing: Kat Leyh

The Lumberjanes are scattered across Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types in this week’s Lumberjanes #74, and we have a sneak peek of the action from BOOM! Studios.

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Jo, Mal, Molly, Ripley, and April’s trek through the forest with camp director Rosie reaches its thrilling conclusion in Lumberjanes #72. It is on store shelves on Wednesday from BOOM! Studios.

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When the ‘Janes find the long-lost diary of the first ever Lumberjane, they’ll learn more about the true history of Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types! Check out this sneak peek of Lumberjanes #71 from BOOM! Studios.

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While Jo, Ripley, Mal, Emily and Hes from the Zodiac cabin are hiking through the woods in search of proof of extraterrestrial life, the rest of the ‘Janes are setting out on a hunt of their own, after Freya! Will they succeed? Find out in this sneak peek of Lumberjanes #67 from BOOM! Studios.

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The Roanoke and Zodiac alien search team up has uncovered something (or rather, someONE) unusual! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Lumberjanes #66 from BOOM! Studios.

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Emily of Zodiac is convinced that there’s an alien in the woods in this week’s Lumberjanes #65 from BOOM! Studios. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the issue.

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Having lost their magical, portal-spotting spyglass, April, Jo, Ripley, Molly and Mal are stuck in the Land of Lost Things for the foreseeable future! Find out what happens next in this week’s Lumberjanes #64 from BOOM! Studios.

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