DC Comics has released an early look at Teen Titan: Beast Boy Loves Raven that arrives in a few weeks.
Browsing: Gabriel Picolo
We love the art of Gabriel Picolo, so we are super happy to see he has teamed again with Kami Garcia for Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven.
The much anticipated Teen Titans: Beast Boy YA OGN from Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo is finally available for pre-order, and today we have a first look at the volume from DC Comics.
During the New York Comic Con, DC Comics shared new images from three upcoming young adult graphic novels that will arrive in 2020.
For months and months, we’ve been treated to glimpses of the art for the upcoming Teen Titans: Raven graphic novel by artist Gabriel Picolo, and now we have our first look at the issue written by Kami Garcia.