RED SONJA ATTACKS MARS #1 writer: Jay Stephens artist: Fran Strukan covers: Joseph Michael Linsner…
Browsing: Fran Strukan
All of Kyrkania is under attack from martian from Mars! What will Red Sonja do? I suspect chop a lot of martians in half, but let’s see what the solicitation information from Dynamite Entertainment has to say.
Elvira has discovered her co-star’s monstrous secret in this week’s The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Elvira has discovered her co-star’s monstrous secret in Elvira: The Shape of Elvira #2 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Elvira, the self-proclaimed Mistress of the Dark, is a woman with a lot of side-hustle in her bustle and her current gig is no exception. It’s an opportunity to star in a film, work with a legend in the film industry, and possibly make a lot of money. Yeah, I think she would be interested, who does she have to kill? Let’s find out in THE SHAPE OF ELVIRA #1 from Dynamite Entertainment
The Mistress of the Dark lands the leading role in a touching art film about human/gill monster romance, but there’s something decidedly fishy about her costar in this week’s Shape of Elvira #1 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Dynamite Entertainment announced Elvira will return this winter for a new four-part miniseries by writer David Avallone and artist Fran Strukan that will have movie fans reeling!