Browsing: Darkwing Duck

Fans of Duckwing Duck are in for a treat this week, as Diamond Select Toys releases not only the Darkwing Duck action figure, but Negaduck as well. There are a few more toys coming our way this week, but none – NONE – can top the Darkwing Duck and Negaduck box set. Well… maybe the new TMNT Michelangelo statue… 

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Five heroes, united against one threat! They are… The Justice Ducks! (Neptunia reminds you that she’s not a duck, but Stegmutt wants you to know he USED to be.) Your Major Spoilers review of Justice Ducks #1 from Dynamite Entertainment awaits!

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How do you celebrate your dramatic return to villainy? For Negaduck, that’s a very complicated question. Your Major Spoilers review of Negaduck #1 from Dynamite Entertainment awaits!

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