Top Cow revealed many, but probably not all, of the variant covers for the upcoming relaunch of Witchblade.
Browsing: Dani Strips
Our James Bond coverage continues as we celebrate the release of NO TIME TO DIE by asking, “Is James Bond Still Relevant?” Can we improve the Bond girls? Will his villains be less problematic and more! Joining us on the excellent discussion is Danielle Price ( co-host of The Anglo Files Podcast & James Bonding guest!
Titan Comics’ Hard Case Crime imprint has released another look at the upcoming Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Electrified Tesla #1.
We still have a bit more time before Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Electrified Tesla #1 arrives in stores, but today we have a first look at the issue from Titan Comics’ Hard Case Crime imprint.