There’s a new threat in town, and she’s incredibly familiar to the Mighty Morphin’ team. How can this be happening? All we know is, time-travel is an imprecise science…
Browsing: Dan Mora
As the Rangers deal with the fallout of Rita’s sinister plan and Matthew’s startling return, a new threat emerges with a shocking connection to Lord Drakkon in this week’s Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #9 from BOOM! Studios.
It’s the beginning of the end as Power Rangers from across time and space come together for one of the biggest battles in any of their histories in Power Rangers: Shattered Grid.
Billy faces a difficult choice this week in Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #8 from BOOM! Studios. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the issue by Ryan Parrot and Dan Mora.
As the battle rages across time and space, the Mighty Morphin team must form new teams to battle Lord Drakkon – a twisted, alternate-reality version of Tommy Oliver, the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger – while the Ranger Slayer, a mysterious new Power Ranger, debuts a new Zord!
GO GO POWER RANGERS! Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #7 is almost here, and we have that sneak peek you’ve been waiting for.
Lord Drakkon—a twisted, alternate-reality version of Tommy Oliver, the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger—is growing more powerful with every battle against Power Rangers teams across history…while in the past, a mysterious new Ranger arrives to challenge the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on their own turf.
BOOM! Studios sent Major Spoilers this early look at Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #6. The issue arrives in stores this week.
With the New Mutants movie just around the corner, and a New Mutants mini-series on…
Who can you trust when everyone is a Putty? Find out in this week’s Go Go Power Rangers #5 from BOOM! Studios.
An evil Santa from an alternate dimension has founded an evil soda corporation that uses Christmas and Santa as a marketing tactic to build their fortunes. No… really. Check out this sneak peek of Klaus and the Crisis in Xmasville #1 for yourself.
If you can’t get enough Power Rangers, this week is for you as Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #4 hits the stands.
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #3! You Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!
Grant Morrison and Dan Mora are returning to their reimagining of Santa Claus with Klaus…