Maybe, just maybe, before we tear something apart, we should try it first. Also, is that a chonky bat or a mouth full of teeth?
Browsing: comic book podcast
Calling Cthulhu! We take a look at The Call To Cthulhu this week, and see if the Great Old One is all it is cracked up to be. We review Sunny-Luna Travelling Oracle from Dark Horse Comics, Free Agent #2 from Image Comics, and Prairie Gods #1 from Mad Cave Studios. Plus, are shared world anthologies great?
It’s Hugo Gernsback’s birthday this week – did you know he worked in comics? Ghostbusters is getting a new animated series at Netflix. We review Houses of the Unholy from Image Comics, Sensational She-Hulk #10 from Marvel Comics, and Huge Detective #1 from Titan Comics.
Tomorrow you live, tonight I die! This week we explore the Strange Death of Captain America! We review Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time #1 from Dark Horse Comics, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour from BOOM! Studios, and Defenders of the Earth #1 from Mad Cave Studios.
We venture back to Texas to check out how Ambrose, Texas deals with the RQK in That Texas Blood Vol. 3. We review The Department of Truth #24 from Image Comics, Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #4 from BOOM! Studios and IDW Publishing, and take a look at Peepee Poopoo from Silver Sprocket Press.
In celebration of Gail Simone’s birthday, we take a look at Birds of Prey: Fighters by Trade this week! We review Chilling Adventures Presents: Truth or Dare from Archie Comics, Zatanna: Bring Down the House #2 from DC Comics, and Bottoms Up! from Silver Sprocket Press. We also let you know what we’ve been watching.
This week, we get right with god, and punch demons in the face with Youth Group from First Second. We talk about the slip in comic sales and review Savage Dragon #271 from Image Comics, and The Rocketeer: Breaks Free #1 from IDW Publishing. There may be talk of Slim Jims as well.
In this Major Spoilers Special Presentation, we take a look at the Hays Code, how it came to be, and how it turned into our modern movie rating system, and how moral panic made it happen.
It’s the End of the World (as we know it), as we take a look at Don’t Spit in the Wind from Mad Cave Studios. Stephen shares his thoughts on Absolute Power #1, and Rodrigo discusses Suicide Squad Isekai on this week’s episode!
We play trivia, talk about Blade, and attempt to answer the question, “Create media that caters to diehard fans, or general audiences?”
Horror is best when it comes in threes, and this week we look at the second volume of Dark Ride (with the third just around the corner). We also review Destro #1 from Skybound Entertainment and Suicide Squad: Dream Team #4 from DC Comics.
What happens when a star explodes? The Earth gets a hero! We look at the early years of E-Man this week, as well as review Rifters #1 from Image Comics, Scarlett #1 from Skybound Entertainment, and Soul Taker #1 from Mad Cave Studios!
We venture into Mexico in search of Confederate gold with Blueberry this week! We review Profane #1 from BOOM! Studios, Space Ghost #2 from Dynamite Entertainment, and we check in on Delicious in Dungeon.
We take you to Edgeworld this week, so fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a bumpy night! We also review William of Newbury #1 from Dark Horse Comics, Night Thrasher #4 from Marvel Comics, and The Mammoth #1 from Mad Cave Studios.