Fans of Star Wars: Rebels will want to get their hands on the newly announced Star Wars: Rebels Vintage Collection action figures from Hasbro.
Browsing: Action Figures
Hasbro unveiled a new line-up of G.I. Joe Classified Series action figures at WonderCon 2024.
During WonderCon, Hasbro unveiled a bunch of new toys coming our way, including several new Transformers figures.
Hasbro announced two new action figures in its Marvel Legends Series – Wolverine and Deadpool! I wonder why they would simultaneously announce and release these two action figures. I wonder…
In any case, check out the new figures coming our way this Spring.
Hasbro announced yet another wave of Star Wars action figures, including new Clone Troopers and Battle Droids.
As you build up your Avatar The Last Airbender collection, you can add everyone’s favorite, Uncle Iroh, who appears as a new statue this week.
Hasbro continues to unveil even more Star Wars figures including the new Darth Vader Holocomm figure that is part of the Black Series line.
Diamond Select Toys sent us a rundown of the new statues and toys coming our way in June 2024.
Now that you have watched The Acolyte trailer for the 500th time, it is now time to add to your Star Wars collection with action figures from the upcoming series.
Hasbro announced several new additions to the Star Wars action figure line, featuring the Fallen Order, Thrawn’s Night Troopers, and more.
Hasbro announced a new addition to its Star Wars: The Black Series action figure line with the introduction of the Night Owl from the Mandalorian television series.
Ready for an all-new, all-awesome Marvel Legends action figure? Sam Wilson takes the mantle of Captain America for Marvel Legends Series Captain America Symbol of Truth.
Hasbro unveiled new figures in its Marvel Legends series, including Superior Iron Man, Black Winter, and more ahead of their May 2024 release.
There are new Star Wars action figures available from Hasbro today, as Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Escape from Order 66 set based on the finale of season 7 of The Clone Wars are introduced.