Browsing: TwoMorrows Publishing

TwoMorrows Publishing is auctioning off a limited edition hardcover copy of their new book, The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore: Indispensable Edition, autographed by “Watchmen” and “V For Vendetta” author Alan Moore. All proceeds from this auction go to THE HERO INITIATIVE, a federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated to helping comic book creators in need. The auction can be found on eBay.

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Print publications are folding left and right as more readers migrate to teh interwebs for their news, features, interviews, and general pleasure.  The latest to end its print run is TwoMorrows’ Write Now!, the how-to magazine for those learning to write for comics, animation and sci-fi. “Write Now! has had an amazing run, and I’m incredibly proud of what editor Danny Fingeroth has accomplished with it,” offered TwoMorrows’ publisher John Morrow. “Danny has shaped it into the preeminent publication catering to anyone with an interest in the nuts and bolts of writing for the comics medium. If you’ve read every…

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In addition to packing those backpacks, book bags, and knap sacks with new number 2s, Big Chief tablets, and erasers, Two-Morrows wants you to stuff a few comics in there as well.  The company has a back-to-school special where it is selling some of its titles for as little as two-dollars. “We’ve had other sales, on a much smaller range of titles,” said publisher John Morrow, “but never anything to rival this. I took my 6-year-old daughter back-to-school shopping recently, and was astonished at what the total for a first grader came to. With convention season winding down and school…

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This is going to be a huge week of news and posts coming out of San Diego, and if you are going to the show, check out the offering from TwoMorrows Publishing.

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Two Morrows Publishing has announced that between now and June 30, 2008, the company will sell back issues of Comic Book Artist and Write Now for $2.00 each. WRITE NOW features writing tips from pros on both sides of the desk, interviews, sample scripts, reviews, exclusive Nuts & Bolts tutorials, and more invaluable information on writing for comics, animation, and sci-fi, and is edited by Marvel Comics editor and Spider-Man writer Danny Fingeroth. COMIC BOOK ARTIST is the multi-Eisner Award winner for Best Comics Related Periodical, edited by Jon B. Cooke. It features in-depth articles, interviews, and unseen art, celebrating…

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During Free Comic Book Day (TOMORROW!) TwoMorrows Publishing will be giving away its Comics Go Hollywood title. This 32-page comic-size book was assembled exclusively for Free Comic Book Day by the company’s regular magazine editors, and reveals secrets behind fans’ favorite on-screen heroes, and what’s involved in taking a character from the comics page to the big screen. It includes storyboards from DC’s animated hit “The New Frontier” (courtesy of DRAW! magazine), JEPH LOEB on writing for both Marvel Comics and the Heroes TV show (courtesy of WRITE NOW! magazine), details of an unseen X-Men movie (courtesy of ALTER EGO…

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TwoMorrows Publishing is set to release Kirby Five-Oh! at the New York Comic-Con that features the 50 best things to come from Kirby’s 50 years in comics. Originally scheduled as a softcover book, there has been enough interest in the title for TwoMorrows to release a limited edition hardcover. The hardcover version features all the original contents of the softcover version, but with a full-color wrapped hardcover, and an individually-numbered extra Kirby art plate not included in the softcover edition. The hardcover will sell for $34.95, and you can only get it by pre-ordering directly from TwoMorrows. via TwoMorrows

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TwoMorrows Publishing will be making its 13th appearance at Comicon International: San Diego next week (July 25-29). There are lots of things on the book for the company including new releases, signings, and of course the Image Founders Panel on Friday. Take the jump for the complete schedule of events for TwoMorrows.

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