Let’s kill us some Legion members! (And introduce a future Legion member in the process.)
Browsing: The Legion Clubhouse
One member of the Legion has gone mad with power! Will his teammates talk him down, or will the universe be destroyed!?
Seriously, something is wrong with Brainiac 5, as we celebrate 250 issues of Superboy.
Validus is certainly a talkative fellow in this week’s Legion Clubhouse!
The Earth War comes to its dramatic conclusion, as Mordru attempts to kill the Legion for good!
The Legion of Super-Heroes are attacked on all sides, as they try to prevent Earth from falling, and keeping the galaxy from falling into all out war.
The war has come to Earth, and the Legion of Super-Heroes is stretched thin! Will the universe survive? Find out in this meeting of the Legion Clubhouse!
It is Murder Most Foul in this installment of the Legion Clubhouse, as Jim Starlin steps up to tell a tale.
Bad news Spoilerites, the Karate Kids series continues until issue #15. The good news is, we review issue #13, and we won’t review any more after that…
Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl talk about getting married. Wait? Didn’t they just get married?
We’re havin’ a weddin’! Get the kin-folk on the phone, and get the children outta bed! We’re havin’ a weddin’!
In this installment of the Legion Clubhouse, after 20 years we finally – FINALLY – get the true origin of the Legion of Super-Heroes…
The Legion must defeat the Infinite Man, or spend all infinity under his thumb!
This week, we aren’t even taking a look at a Legion of Super-Heros book!
That’s right Dear Spoilerite, instead, we are taking a look at the time the JSA and the JLA took on Mordru!