This week, Marvel Comics announced that the “Spider-Men” teaser promotions were, in fact, exactly what it said on the tin: The first (direct) meeting between Marvel and Ultimate Marvel. As the proud owner of “Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali” and the sublime goofiness of “Archie Meets The Punisher”, what impressed me most was not news of the crossover, but the fact that Marvel was able to hold off for more than 10 years before doing it, a rare display of restraint for a comic publisher. The MS-QOTD (pronounced “misquoted”) for today is this: How big a deal IS this crossover?
Browsing: Question Of The Day
As of this writing, I am feverishly poring over my character sheets and awaiting the siren call of Skype to start another Critical Hit recording session. Rodrigo has sternly warned us all about the consequences of any sort of next season Spoilers (Did you know there was such a thing as a Neutron Wedgie?), so I won’t give anything away here, but I’m very much looking forward to tonight’s gaming… The MS-QOTD, Faithful Spoilerites and Critical Hitters alike, is simple: What are you most looking forward to/afraid of in the coming Critical Hit season?
Multiple sources are reporting that the upcoming ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has been officially rated PG-13 for the usual mayhem and fighty-fighty, but also for “some sensuality and language.” Given that Catwoman is in the film, one might presume that this means a little Bruce/Selina shipping going on, but I’m hoping for a full-fledged curse-word-laden blow-up from Michael Caine as Alfred. (“What do you BLOODY mean you’ve blown up the mansion again??”) I’ve searched for information on the plot online, but I’m pretty sure that all of the stuff I found is false, mostly because I can’t see Bruce Wayne…
So, the preliminary March sales numbers are in, and it seems that Marvel Comics took back the top spot, while the dollar share and market share numbers tell a slightly different story. The thing is, Marvel’s #1 comic for March (Avengers Vs. X-Men #1) actually didn’t go on sale until April. The issue was shipped during March, however, and that was enough to make the House of Ideas once again King of The Hill… In the call center business, we call this type of chicanery “massaging the numbers,” and I find it to be one of the more unsavory things…
With the recent sad end of several of the first batch of DC’s New 52 titles, and the upcoming New 52 Wave Two, I started to wonder about the fates of characters left behind in the universal schisms that Barry Allen’s (rather Freudian) chronal antics caused. What of Elongated Man? Or Peacemaker? The Black Pirate? The Law’s Legionnaires? The Guardian? The Young Heroes? Misfit? And, for the love of Egg-Fu, what about Ambush Bug??? Today’s MS-QOTD (pronounced “misquoted”) for Faithful Spoilerites everywhere is this: What titles need to be part of a theoretical New 52 Wave Three?
Back in 1997 or so, I happened upon a box containing a complete set of the mid-80’s Red Circle comics featuring the Archie heroes. I was already a fan of the !mpact Comics versions, but this carton of comics was like stumbling onto a new comics world, as broad as Marvel, as old as DC, but unexplored and untamed. As Archie Comics prepares their new all-digital Crusaders revival, I find myself ready to whole-heartedly commit to the digital comics revolution for the first time, just for New Crusaders. The MS-QOTD, Faithful Spoilerites, is this: What characters, creators or concepts could…
A quick flip through the latest Previews catalog has revealed a new ongoing series for Supreme, multiple high-profile creator gigs for Rob Liefeld, a relaunched Valiant Universe and more Clinton-era comic book throwbacks. This year, amazingly, marks the 20th Anniversary of Image Comics and the paradigm shift that ended comics Bronze Age, which has started my mental gears a’turnin’… Today’s question for you, the Faithful Spoilerites, is this: Which 1990’s-era properties/creators do you most look forward to seeing return?
With Avengers Vs. X-Men just around the corner (expect my review soon) many of the matchups are already known. While my interest is piqued by a couple of the announced battles, I’m kind of wishing that we could get a little “Hawkeye Vs. Beast”, “Mimic Vs. Captain America” or “Monica Rambeau Vs. Jean Grey” action going on… So, my question to you, Faithful Spoilerites, comes in two parts: What AvX matchups are you most looking forward to seeing, and which intriguing pairings did they miss?
Marvel Studios has recently released what I believe to be the 3,472nd trailer for the upcoming Joss Whedon-directed “Avengers” movie. Major Spoilers head honcho Stephen has been heard to wonder whether the over-clocked hype machine was an indication that the studio was worried about the quality of the film, or just about the competition with a certain caped crusader… My question to you, Faithful Spoilerites, is this: When it comes to your chosen entertainment, how much hype is TOO much hype?
In my latest review, I found myself remembering why I prefer to read certain series in the collected format. While I remain an avid believer that the monthly individual issue can still be a viable vehicle for comic book art, a case can be made some stories simply work better in larger portions. So, Faithful Spoilerites, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of “Issues Vs. TPBs”, the question of the day is this: Are there books that simply read better in the trade?
More and more I’ve been seeing comic creators turning toward YouTube as a way of promoting their comics and teasing upcoming events. Sometimes the commercials are nothing more than a pan or tilt across the comic panel, while others cut the panel up to create a “motion comic.” Then there is Dreamkeepers, an indie publication by David Lillie, that created a fully animated commercial.
Warner Bros. and DC Comics have had a really good relationship with Cartoon Network, delivering some high quality programs that entertain kids and adults alike. This weekend, Warner Bros. pushes the offering further by creating an entire block of cartoon programming beginning at 10 EST. The hour long launch includes Green Lantern: The Animated Series, the return of Young Justice, and a number of interstitials featuring the Teen Titans, Plastic Man, and more. Hundreds of heroes, thousands of villains, millions of fans all make up the DC Nation, home of the world’s greatest super heroes. Friday night used to be…
If you haven’t heard the big rumor, Bleeding Cool is reporting that IDW Publishing will release an officially sanctioned Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover. I’ve not seen any official Doctor Who crossovers myself, but I think we’re all familiar with Star Trek and X-Men and Legion of Super-Heroes. IDW has been no stranger to interesting crossovers – in fact, the current Infestation 2 event has The Old Ones making their way into everything from Transformers to Danger Girl. Major Spoilers Question(s) of the Day: Are cross property events something that really work for fans of all properties involved, or do they…
I’m working my way though the complete Rockford Files for the seventh or eighth time, and loving every minute of it. A well told detective tale can capture the audience (reader or viewer) and lead them through the clues or events to the big reveal. But the tales of Rockford, Holmes, Marlowe, The Shadow, and others, are certainly products of their time, and don’t seem to be conducive to having modern technology inserted into their tales. Major Spoilerite Question of the Day: When a detective can do a search on the Internet instead of putting leather to the pavement, and…