Of all the fictional cities in the DCU, which one would you want to live in? [poll=20] Check out the Major Spoilers Podcast on Wednesday to find out where the panel would live.
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Most of us wish we had the powers of our favorite super hero, which brings us to the Poll of the Week: [poll=19]
This week’s poll is an easy one. Who would win in a fight; Spider-Man or Batman? [poll=18]
Lots of feedback on the new chrome and black outfit to be worn by the new Captain America in issue #34. What do you think, love it, or hate it? Participate in the poll in the right column!
The results of the last poll are in, and it turns out readers want to see Firefly/Serenity turned into an on-going series. I’m kind of bummed because I really thought Big Trouble in Little China would win. Publishers, if you are looking to obtain a property for release, take this info to the bank and get cranking on the next big series. With the closing of this poll, a new one is open. The latest poll (found in the right column) is one of those house keeping polls so we can better serve you, the reader.
I actually let the poll run a little longer than usual to increase the number, thus making for a more accurate tally. This means there is a new poll up and ready for your input: There are so many television shows getting the comic treatment. Between Dynamite Entertainment, IDW Publishing, Avatar Press, and others, nearly all the well known television shows and movies have made it to print. But there are many cult favorites that many would love to see as an ongoing series. I’ve come up with a short list of titles I would certainly buy, but…
The voting has closed for the latest Major Spoilers Poll. Looks like there are a lot of people who will miss out on one of the biggest comic events of the year. 87% of you said you wouldn’t be attending. I feel your pain, as I will also not be attending this year due to baby commitments. Fear not! we’ll be providing as much information coming out of the con as we can. So why aren’t you attending? Is it a distance issue, time commitment, fear of crowds, cost, work, or something else? The closing of one poll, means the…
According to you, dear readers, Tony Stark isn’t a Skrull in disguise. We reached way over the minimum 100 votes for this poll, which means it’s time for another poll! The comic convention season is upon us, and the biggest of them all is San Diego. If you haven’t been, it is a great event that is a lot of fun, and even though it has been super packed these last couple of years, it is THE show. So the big question is “Are You Going to the San Diego Comic Convention This Year?”
Our non-scientific poll has closed, and fans have responded: They want Wally West back in the pages of the Flash! Of course the poll ends just in time for Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13 to arrive, marking the end of the series. Will Bart die? Is Wally really coming back, or will it be pre-Crisis Barry Allen? Come back on Wednesday for our first day release review of Flash for all the answers. And with the closing of the Flash poll, it’s time to turn our attention to Marvel and one Tony Stark. Is Tony a Skrull? Take the…
Many of you were probably wondering where your edition of Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13, which was originally scheduled to arrive last week (June 6) disappeared to… um…you are reading the series, right? DC Comics let us know the issue will ship next week (June 20), along with Justice League of America #10, and Countdown #45. JLA #10 concludes the lightning saga, and with Flash being the man that rides the lightning, along with the promo poster that shows a fallen “Flash” (presumably Bart Allen), could we be seeing the return of Barry Allen? Don’t forget to take the…
The latest poll has reached the minimum 100 votes, and the largest number of you agree Spider-Man 3 was an OK movie. With all the chaos going on at Stately Spoiler Manor, I finally had a chance to see S3 this past weekend. I’m going to have to agree with the majority here. It was a fun and entertaining movie (especially since I was the only one in the theatre), but nothing too spectacular that had me gushing with uber-fanboy enthusiasm like I was at the end of Spider-Man 2. I think it was the killing of Harry Osborn and…
It only took three days for Spider-Man III to make $148 million in North America, beating the previous record of $135 million set by Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Does this mean a Spider-Man 4 is just around the corner? Calling the results “spectacular,” [Amy Pascal, co-chairman Sony Pictures Entertainment] said the studio already was at work on the now inevitable “Spider-Man 4.” “We’re a lot further on than we usually are,” she said. “We usually don’t talk about the next movie until the current one is released, but we’re already talking about what we want to do…
Honestly, with all of the build up to DC’s World War III as part of 52, I was really disappointed with what I read. I think issue #50 was much better in telling the story than following emo Martian Manhunter around for four issues as we watched C-list heroes get killed by a Black Adam. And what the hell is up with issue #50 saying World War III Begins Here! when it actually began and ended making the four issue one-shots pretty much anti-climactic? What did you think of DC’s WWIII event? Take the poll and cast your vote.
Readers have responded and according to you, Batman could kick Captain America’s butt if the two were to go toe to toe.