This week, instead of going one on one, it’s a group thing, as Major Spoilers asks the question: [poll id=”47″]
Browsing: Poll
The Second in Command is an interesting spot for most characters. While the spot could be filled with the likes of Kiff, more often than not, the second in command is a strong powerful character. That’s why this week we ask the question: [poll id=”46″]
Time to take this fight off-world and pit two very different space odysseys against each other. So what will it be ladies and gentlemen; the young and dashing James T. Kirk of Earth, or that roguish fellow from a galaxy far far away, Han Solo? [poll id=”45″]
Time to take a break from the infighting among the superheroes, and time to get practical. This week it’s a battle between Model B-9, Class M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot – you know, that robot from Lost in Space, and the 7 foot, 2 inch tall mechanical behemoth from the MGM 1956 classis Forbidden Planet – Robby the Robot. [poll id=”44″]
Last week there was a small Mystery Science Theater 3000 reference in the Major Spoilers Poll. Considering Comic Con International: San Diego just had a get together of all the MST3K people, I thought it was a good time to open this wound once again. [poll id=”43″]
There is a method to my madness when it comes to all these fight polls. Just wait and see… just wait and see… This week’s poll mixes up another set of properties in the same vein as Mole Man vs. Moleman. I bring you the worst character ever created, battling the bottled essence of Nabu – Dr. Fate. [poll id=”42″] Choose wisely, the “fate” of the Major Spoilers Poll Universe depends on it.
People around the world have been wetting themselves in anticipation (or so I hear, I wouldn’t know from any first hand experience – I swear) for the release of Warner Bros.’ Dark Knight movie. Today’s the day, and with screenings beginning at 6:00 AM in some cities, Dark Knight is priming itself to be the biggest opening weekend box office of all time – it just has to beat Spider-Man 3. [poll id=”41″] More exploitation cuteness after the jump, for those of you that care to see more photos of my son wearing a Batman mask.
The two big gods of Marvel and DC square off in this week’s Major Spoilers poll. Yes, it’s nerdy, yes, it’s geeky, but oh baby yell out this question at your LCS and watch the fun ensue. [poll=40] And if you don’t get the moobs reference, you might want to check out the Major Spoilers Too Many Darkseids photo essay.
Time for round 2 in the Major Spoilers smack down of pop culture characters. Last time Hans Moleman kicked the crap out of the Moleman. This time we pit the new Battlestar Galactica Cylon against the Infinite Crisis Omac. Who will win, who will lose? FIGHT! [poll=39]
It hit theaters yesterday, and reviews have been mixed. [poll=38]
As we slide into the weekend, how ’bout a fun little poll? [poll=37]
We love the Justice League Animated Series, so this week’s poll is about your favorite regular cast member. [poll=36]
This week, we thought we pondered, “Does the weapon make the hero?” and thus came up with this week’s poll. [poll=35]
The Teen Titans have been around for a long time, and during the 1980s The New Teen Titans was one of the top comic book titles. Since we are talking about The Judas Contract on tonight’s Major Spoilers Podcast, this week’s poll asks an all important question. [poll=34]