Browsing: Major Spoilers

We’ll see how long this shot stays up before I get a C&D Letter.   Just to be on the safe side, if you want to see the big image, you’ll have to follow the link. Here is a shot from the Transformers movie, that actually shows a Transformer. original image (link)

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Spooky Coincidence or are We Dead On? We posted our first Major Spoilers In Out list last week, and already the repercussions are being felt. On our Out List was Rob Liefeld. Nothing really against the guy, he made quite the money in the 90s. Comic Foundry has a funny chart asking why people hate Rob so much – via Comic Foundry (link). Also on the Out List was the Animated Fantastic Four series that was running on the Cartoon Network. I say was because Cartoon Network has updated their programming schedule for November, and no trace of the animated…

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Everyone loves lists; top tens, top of the charts, what’s hot, what’s not, and so on. They are great at polarizing readers, so why not stir the stuff here too? Inflammatory? Yes! Controversial? Maybe. Is this a ploy to garner attention and get you coming back again and again? Damn straight! Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Duke it out in the Major Spoilers forum! Major Spoilers In Out List #1 In: Heroes – Out: Lost In: All Star Superman – Out: All Star Batman and Robin In: Jeph Loeb – Out: Rob Leifeld In: Iron Man: The Movie – Out: Blade:…

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