Scott Johnson from Extralife cracks me up. Scott updates his site three times a week with new and funny content. Do yourself a favor and jump over there for a look. via Extralife
Browsing: Humor
Man, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen something from It’s Just Some Random Guy, but he finally got around to completing the next chapter for Happy Hour.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a Friday Sing-Along at Major Spoilers, and that just ain’t right. So to get us all back in the mood, I bring you Hulk Singing!
This is a real political ad, not something whipped up in the Major Spoilers Test Kitchen to get a laugh. Although, seeing this may induce a chuckle here and there. Dead superheroes are rising, and they’re running for public office! Thanks Bryan!
Gotta squeeze this one in, just to upset those of you who think politics and comics shouldn’t mix. It’s all in good fun. It’s just a bit of fun, really, but I get a real kick out of imagining what a Conan/Swamp Thing administration would be like.  I figure national security wouldn’t be a problem (who’d wanna mess with an axe wielding barbarian?) and environmental issues would definitely take center stage.  Hell, even the current financial mess in the US would probably benefit — you could imagine President Conan meeting with Wall Street heads and scowling, “Crom!  You’re all thieves!…
I love this YouTube series, and now they minds behind the Plain English series tackle zombies – or rather avoiding zombies.
What do you get when you mix Bill Murrary, Dan Aykroyd, Jim Belushi, Margo Kidder, and superheroes? Classic Saturday Night Live. Imagine trying to get DC and Marvel characters on screen together today, and smoking, non-the-less – just wouldn’t happen.
Because people get grumpy if I don’t give equal time to both sides. You can show your support for Doom, by picking up a t-shirt.
It’s good to see ItsJustSomeRandomGuy getting back to work and cranking out new stuff.
You’d probably end up with something like this. Dr. M, I see your doodle. via Suvudu
Thanks to Stevie Cool over in the Major Spoilers Forum.
Gotta love it when the Shatner gets all riled up.
Oh Yeah… Time for the Stormtroopers to bust a move.