Browsing: Comics Portal

During September, DC Comics released their “Villains’ Month” titles with a regular cover and one that was in 3D. If you want to see just how popular the latter actually were, take a few minutes to look out on eBay. You’ll find a great many of them for sale at prices that surprise even me, including Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4 featuring the Joker’s Daughter. Many of us have to accept the fact that some comics will probably always be sold with multiple covers. Seems like many number one’s in particular get that treatment.

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I know some fans don’t like weekly comics. “I have to go every week to my comics shop! I don’t have time for that!” a friend told me once. I responded, “But that’s the idea!” At the recent New York Comic Con, DC Comics announced that a new year-long weekly comic starring Batman and his Bat-family called Batman Eternal is coming in April, 2004. Check out this link for more information here at MajorSpoilers!

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“The only constant in life is change.” Boy, is that ever true as far as comics! It wasn’t that long ago that I used to read, on what seemed a daily basis, of the latest comics creator who was signing an exclusive contract with someone. That seems to have slowed down to a trickle, though it still happens. What’s up with that?

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A friend and I were talking online recently about the number of “pulp heroes” getting their own new comics. “I want new stories and new characters, not these old guys and girls. Why can’t they come up with something new and different?” The answer I gave him was one given to me by a sales expert I got to chat with once: Nostalgia sells!

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The comics industry has always recognized that they need new readers to keep the business going. After all, those of us who have been reading comics for decades aren’t always going to be here to make our weekly jaunts to the local comics shop, as sad as it is to point that out. Most recently, DC launched the New 52 and Marvel began Marvel NOW in order to create places where fans who haven’t been reading their books for a long time could find a “jumping on” point and give comics a shot.

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Is anyone else getting tired of having our chains jerked around? Some people seem to know that those of us into comics and anything related to them “freak out” when certain “news” hits the Internet. The latest example happened recently when Justin Bieber, teen pop star, sent out a photo supposedly showing him taking a picture of a script from the upcoming Batman versus Superman film with the hashtag “#robin?” Predictably, the fans went nuts, saying that Warner Bros. had lost its collective mind anywhere they could on the Web.

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“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” – Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight I find this quote extremely appropriate when I think about DC’s Forever Evil month about villains.

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I’ve been following with interest the response to last week’s announcement that Ben Affleck will take over the movie role of Batman/Bruce Wayne from Christian Bale. It’s time for me to weigh in on this latest comics-related controversy!

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Marvel Comics recently released their solicitations for November of this year. There are a couple of things that have the Internet abuzz. For an event named “Infinity,” it sure doesn’t last long. The first chapter has already come out, and November will see its end. But there will be very little, if any, lag time between Infinity and the next big Marvel event, which will be called Cataclysm. The basic plot of that new event is that the characters in the Ultimate Universe (what I refer to as the U-verse) take on Galactus from the “regular” Marvel Universe (Marvel U).…

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When Steven Moffat recently announced that Peter Capaldi would be the 12th Doctor on the BBC’s long-lived Doctor Who, he set off quite a reaction among Whovians (fans of the show), including those who buy the comic book featuring characters from the program as well. Given past history, it’s going to take quite a bit of time for the new Time Lord to appear in the IDW comic.

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A couple of years back when the Green Lantern motion picture was released, some critics complained that there were “too many superhero movies,” and that by the time GL hit the theaters, moviegoers were suffering from “superhero fatigue.” “We just can’t take this many superhero movies in one summer,” said one commentator. Now, we can debate the quality of the film, which is fine. But I’m intrigued that we’re not hearing about “superhero fatigue” nearly as much this year.

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Can it be that San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) is over already? Yes, it is, but expect for news to continue to dribble out from the event on the Web over the next few weeks. It takes that long for some people to get around to releasing info they picked up there! (I had that problem when I was there, anyway!)

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