Press Release Marvel Television is proud to announce acclaimed artist studio Phantom City Creative as the final recruit for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Art of Level 7, closing out this exclusive art series that united top artists from around the world, the artwork celebrates the final six episodes of the series’ inaugural season (airing Tuesdays, 8|7c on the ABC Television Network).
Browsing: art
Always wanted your very own ultra-realistic creature that looks like it stepped off the page and into your heart? An artist from Russia has been making them for a while, and is willing to let you adopt one.
When most people break a limb or damage themselves in such a way they require a cast they usually just have people sign the thing. Well, one Redditors friend decided she’d make the most of her broken arm and painted it up to look like Iron man’s gauntlet. Take the jump for some better pics, and another cast that received similar treatment.
Press Release The Cartoon Art Museum, The WorkJuice Corporation, Quixotic Transmedia, and Archaia Entertainment are pleased to present artwork from the much-anticipated The Thrilling Adventure Hour graphic novel at the Cartoon Art Museum from June 29 – October 20, 2013. Featuring artwork from all 10 stories, the Thrilling Adventure Hour graphic novel explores brand-new material from series creators Ben Acker & Ben Blacker. The characters from the critically acclaimed multi-genre stage show and podcast are brought to life in various styles in the graphic novel and on the walls of the Cartoon Art Museum.
Many of you may know Scott Johnson of Frogpants, LLC – he’s the person behind the Frogpants Network of podcast (which distributes Critical Hit and our Munchkin Land podcasts), runs a number of sites including Extra Life, and is a great artist. His youngest daughter is still in high school, but is showing a lot of promise as an artist, and one can tell Scott has had a very positive influence in his kids. Carter shared her take on the Futurama cast, and we’re sharing it with you… after the jump.
Moxy Creative has a new series of prints that showcase some of films most iconic characters, and their weapons of choice in a very simple, yet exquisite style.
The Internet is a fantastic place filled with cats, trolls, and talented people. This is focusing on the latter, specifically Lokiable’s deviantART page filled with his take of Game of Thrones family banners inspired by different pop culture icons. Take the jump to see House Wayne, Banner, Skywalker, Tolkien, and more.
Who doesn’t like Battle of the Planets? Sure, go ahead and make some comment about the real name being Secret Ninja Team Gatchaman, and be THAT GUY, or take the jump and see Gene Gonzales’ interpretation of Jun as Princess.
If Norman Rockwell would have taken the time to dive into the comic book realm, and add his special schmaltzy touch to our heroes, what would the outcome look like? Mark Dos Santos took DC Comics characters (naughty and nice) and gave them The Saturday Evening Post treatment.
Press Release Gallery Nucleus is excited to announce our first event of 2013, “The Art of Blizzard Entertainment Book Launch and Art Exhibition,” taking place January 12, 2013 – February 3, 2013. The opening reception will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2013 from 7:00pm – 11:00pm. Nucleus will be home to over 50 pieces of artwork from some of your favorite Blizzard games, including an extensive collection of concept art from the Diablo®, StarCraft®, and Warcraft® universes.
Have you listened to latest installment of the Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast? If you have, you heard a description of Orem Rivendorn decked out for adventures in the Fen of Winters. Adriana Ferguson took a moment to take that description and turn it into another wonderful work of Critical Hit art.
Press Release The original hand-colored Bill Watterson Calvin & Hobbes artwork from Nov. 19, 1986 – the first original Watterson Sunday strip known to have come up for public auction – brought a world record price of $203,150 (including Buyer’s Premium) on Friday, Nov.16 as part of a Vintage Comics and Comics Art event at Heritage Auctions.
Press Release The Heavy Metal’s 35th Anniversary Release Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has launched its third art contest “What is your Vision of Famine?”. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse series has garnered high reviews wherever it has been read. The series itself is available digitally and in print and the final book in the series is hitting stores this November. Artists everywhere have been asking for months when the next art contest would be happening and the answer is now! Entering is simple. Post your submission to AND YOU ARE IN!
Press Release Joe Simon co-created Captain America, gave Stan Lee his first job in comics and had a hand in inventing entire genres like the romance comic. Now, Simon’s family, led by his son Jim, is making 50 years’ worth of original art from the recently passed legend available at auction starting with Heritage’s Nov. 16-17 Vintage Comics & Comic Art Signature® Auction.