Image Comics has announced it will publish Apes and Babes, a collection of Frank Cho’s art.
Browsing: art
This morning, I was sitting thinking, “Stephen,” I always refer to myself on a first name basis. “Stephen, you really should do an Art Appreciation Moment of the Day, and it would be great if you featured something from Chris Samnee.” Fortunately, Chris Samnee must be able to read minds at a great distance, because he shared a fantastic piece of art that not only showcases his fantastic talents, but also features Batman!
Bill Sienkiewicz offers up this wonderful take on the late Alan Rickman in today’s Art Appreciation Moment of the Day.
With the Power Rangers series coming from BOOM! Studios, Saban brands and Nucleus are opening a Power Rangers exhibit in California this month.
David. The Thinker. Darth Vader. Yoda. Two timeless sculptures. Two timeless film characters. No longer will art forms separate them thanks to Travis Durden.
If you haven’t been watching Paint By Monster, you”re missing out on some great creative ideas and art tips to move you forward. This week, Easel Monster sings Weird is Where the Good Stuff Comes From.
The San Diego Comic Art Gallery (SDCAG) is proud to announce the Comic Book Art of Star Wars exhibition, which will run from November 21st through January 31st, 2016. The exhibit will feature 30 pieces of rare Star Wars original art from the very first comic book series that was released by Marvel Comics in 1977.
In 1962, Bill Steinfelt traded a pile of comic books for a painting of Batman done by artist Mel Ramos. Little did Steinfelt know that that painting would one day be on the auction block for thousands of dollars.
Marvel has released an early look at next month’s Black Knight #1 by Frank Tieri and Luca Pizzari.
Love the Legion of Super-Heroes? Love Dream Girl? Here’s Gene Gonzales’s take on the character in her ’70s getup.
Time to share the latest piece of Modern City art from the most talented artist, Thomas Perkins. Today we get a look at Free Agent!
Who doesn’t love Superman? The iconic hero can do anything, including striking a pose while carrying a car above his head. Here is Jack Lawrence’s take on the Man of Steel.
While we wait for the latest Modern City art from Thomas Perkins, take a moment and look at some of his other doodles.
What would #DoctorWhoDay be without a bit of art featuring most of the Doctors? Here is a wonderful piece done by the artist known as Blizarro, who celebrated the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who with a huge piece.