I wanted to follow a favorite of a favorite of a favorite, but got distracted by the whole Batman v Superman turn over the last couple of days. Fortunately, I can go down the DeviantArt rabbit hole, and keep the Batman theme, with this tiny team-up between Iron Man and Batman, thanks to this wonderfully fun piece by Jon Sommariva.
Browsing: art
If you’re gonna feature Batman in the Art Appreciation Moment of the Day (especially in this election season), you’d better feature his opponent, Superman. Thanks to Francesco Francavilla it’s simple to fulfill the equal time requirement.
Because Batman. Always Batman. BATMAN!
One of the nice things about Deviant Art is it gives you the ability to see who other artists are following. And, if you spend enough time going down that rabbit hole, you will see what inspires and motivates the artist. On Friday we took a look Niken Anindita’s wonderful work, and today, we take a look at someone she favorited – Jereme Peabody.
When it comes to environments, I love looking at work from artists overseas. Today I stumbled upon Niken Anindita, and was going to feature her Cast Away on the Moon piece, but was blown away by The Bus is Late.
This week, we took at look at Sunstone Volume 1 from Stjepan Sejic on the Major Spoilers Podcast. While I love the art in the book, most of it is something I can’t show you without getting a ton of flack from those who can’t handle the nude form, and only visit this site when there is chance they might see a boob so they can complain. Instead, here’s a sketch of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy that Sejic shared on one of his Deviant Art pages.
I continue to think about a Legion of Super-Heroes television series, and how it would A) be so easy to create, and B) be a slam dunk for The CW. There’s also a C, but that requires Greg Berlanti to hire Matthew Peterson and me to run the show for him. When I think about LoSH, I also think about Gene Gonzales, who has created wonderful sketches of the team members over the years. Today, we present his take on Matter-Eater Lad.
When I was in middle school in the early ’80s, I was really into unicorns. Like, scary obsessed. My bedroom walls were covered in posters and calendar pages. It was one of the many things that separated me from my male peers. I was recently reminded of this because I had occasion to pull from a dusty and neglected section of my bookshelves a unicorn coloring book that I owned back then.
You’ve probably heard the news that DC’s Gotham Academy and BOOM! Studios’ Lumberjanes are crossing over this summer. Karl Kerschl may be gone from Gotham Academy, but his work still comes to mind anytime I see the Gotham Academy title. So, today, let’s take a look at something awesome Karl has created.
News circulated this morning that artist Paul Ryan passed away. One person Twitter mentioned how great he was drawing the Phantom, so what better way to honor the artist than by taking a look at some of his Phantom work.
Superman is the name of the game today, and Anthony Marques has a great take on the Man of Steel during the 1940s.
When I open Deviant Art, I never know what to expect. Sometimes I go there looking for something specific, other times I let the magic of the site move me to a piece of work that I want to share with you. That’s the case today with this piece by Tom Kelly.
If you didn’t pick up Chris Samnee and Mark Waid’s Black Widow #1 this week, you are missing out on a great – GREAT – first issue. As a fan of Samnee’s work, and knowing that Daredevil season 2 arrives on March 18th, it makes sense to feature one of the artist’s takes on the character.
You know Bruce Timm’s style the moment you see it. You can tell it is Bruce Timm, because you’ve watched hundreds of hours of Batman: The Animated Series, and every other animated DCU property the mad genius has touched. That’s why Timm’s take on Daredevil is so awesome – because it isn’t DCU.