It’s being reported that young thespian Freddie Highmore will be providing the voice of Astro Boy in the upcoming CGI movie. Set in futuristic Metro City, Imagi’s “Astro Boy” tells the story of a young robot created by a scientist to replace the son he lost. Unable to fulfill the grieving father’s expectations, Astro Boy embarks on a journey of discovery before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with his creator. If you aren’t familiar with Highmore, you might want to head down to your local theater and check out the Spiderwick Chronicles. I’ve had a love/hate relationship…
Browsing: Anime
Here is something a little odd, cosplayer Usagi Tsukimiya posing with a Hobby Wave Haruhi Suzumiya cosplaying as a bunny. It boggles the mind… via Moeyo
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Leonardo DiCaprio and Warner Bros. are teaming up to bring Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira to the screen as a live action adaptation. No word if DiCaprio will be screaming Kanada! or not, but as one would expect with the translation, things are going to be changed, for what I fear will be the worst. The new story moves the action to “New Manhattan,” a city rebuilt by Japanese money. Yikes! There’s a red flag right there. On the plus side, the film will mark the directorial debut of Ruairi Robinson, who has been hired to direct…
FUNimation has announced Witchblade Anime Volume 1 DVD debuted at the number one position as the best-selling anime to date in 2007. This is according to Nielsen VideoScan following the September 25 release. From the renowned anime studio GONZO, Witchblade is the saga of a woman who must bear the burden of a terrible force of destruction known as the Witchblade. Based on the comic book series from Top Cow Productions, the anime series goes into the future to tell the tale of a new bearer of the Witchblade and the conspiracy that surrounds her burden. Witchblade is the first…
FUNimation has announced a distribution deal with Bigger Picture to digitally distribute Japanese films to the US market. FUNimation will release the Yoji Yamada period drama “Love and Honor,” the SF toon “Vexille,” the kiddy toon “One Piece” and the period epic “The Blue Wolf: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea” using the digital delivery technology developed by AccessIT to securely send the pics to theaters across the U.S. [youtube][/youtube] Trailer for Vexille Bigger Pictures is known for beaming anime to teen and college groups and according to Variety, has distributed more than 40 pics theatrically. via Variety
You! Yes, you can watch the Witchblade Anime episode in its full internet glory over at IGN. The show is 23 minutes long, but don’t expect the Witchblade to show up until the last 10 minutes. via IGN
Have you been following the series? Are you ready for the Witchblade anime series airing soon? If you can’t get enough of Witchblade, manga, or anime, take the jump for the sneak preview of issue #7 that Top Cow has sent to Major Spoilers.
Superman – Doomsday is set for a September release, with New Frontier and Teen Titans: The Judas contract soon to follow. According to a supposed leaked internal memo, Warner Bros. Animation will bet taking on Wonder Woman and Batman next. The Batman movie is said to be a compilation of six Batman stories told in an anime style. The PG-13 DVD will be targeted toward hard core fans (aka me), and the tween market and will tell tales of Batman between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. According to the images, David Goyer, Brian Azzarello, and Josh Olsen are contributing…
DC has unveiled a new series of figures based on several DC Superheroines, all done in Anime style. First up will be Supergirl, Powergirl, Batgirl, and Catwoman. A shot taken at the booth indicates future figures will include Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy, and evil Supergirl. Not sure I like the rendition of the figures, but you can bet fanboys will snatch these figures up to display on their shelves. Manga and Anime are becoming a big deal in the United States, so why not cash in on the trend? Take the jump for the full color images.