Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled for July 12, 2006. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. Thanks to Collector’s Pair of Dice for assisting in the building of this list.

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Fans of Electric Tiki Design, who for years have created statues and maquettes of some of the most well known cartoon, comicbook, and movie/television celebrities, will not have their own booth at the San Diego Comic Con this year. Instead they will be sharing booth space with Sideshow Collectible, creators of all sorts of master replicas. Tracy at Electric Tiki dropped us an e-mail about the move, For those of you who may get to Comic Con and wonder why Electric Tiki is not listed in the list of exhibitors, we will actually be displaying product at the Sideshow Collectibles…

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ComicBase, creators of the best database and cataloguing system for comic books out there, have announced version 11 that will begin shipping July 14, 2006. The latest release comes in four different flavors for Windows PCs: ComicBase Express ($39.95), which includes 5000 cover scans and the complete database, The Professional Edition ($129), with over 20,000 cover scans, The Archive Edition ($299), which comes with over 2GB of content, and the newly announced Blu-ray Archive ($399). Each version has more feature than the previous. Currently I have the Archive Edition (v10), and will be reviewing ComicBase Express in the next few…

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Five days out of the gate, and it looks like Superman Returns has broken the $100,000,000 mark. According to, the five day gross for Superman Returns is right at $84,208,000 for domestic receipts (8,200 screens nation wide), and $19,800,000 for world wide returns, bringing the total gross to $104,008,000.

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We all know that movies based on comic books often change or totally rewrite the history of our favorite character in an attempt to sell more tickets, but changing who killed Uncle Ben? Major Spoilers ahead.

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We will forgive those who slept through June… The Homestar Runner website has been updated with a new animation which clues us in on what everyone did on their “time off”. Bologna sammich anyone? (yes there is an Easter Egg in this one). It’s good to see Homestar and company back after the death of the Chapman brother’s father in April. Welcome back Homstar Runner! We missed you! And…uh…yes, we missed you too Strong Bad. Don’t you have some e-mails to answer? via Homestar Runner (link)

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The Batman Animated Series ran for six years (1992 – 1998), and in that time became the definitive Batman television show of all time.  When the show made the move to the Fox Kids Network (previously on WB) changes were made – some for the good, some for the bad.  The final 24 episodes have been collected in the recently released Batman: The Animated Season Volume 4, making for a great DVD collection. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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When we last left our hero hanging out on the pages of, Strong Bad had just finished reading and responding to the first 100 emails he ever received comprising the hilarious Strongbad_email.exe: The First 100 Emails DVD. Disc Four picks right up where the action left off. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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Wizard wants it all? Apparently so. Interestingly, not a week after San Diego Comic-Con International, Wizard Entertainment (publishers of many comic and toy related publications) announced they will host a comic convention in the ATL (that’s Atlanta, GA for you who are in the dark). This is both good news and bad news.

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Last week at the International San Diego Comic-Con Human Computing unveiled the latest update to their popular comic book catalogue software. Is the new version worth the price? Consumer Electronics Net, Stephen Schleicher thinks it is. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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Chada put it best when we showed up at 9:00 am (an hour before the show opened) to packed crowds, “This is insane!” And insane it was. Shoulder to shoulder as you moved throughout the convention center. Makes you wish a man could fly…

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Today was a day filled with DVD, movie, and television related panels. We sat through many of them, and got a two for one to boot.The program printed by the comic convention folk is sometimes misleading and sometimes very unclear. Such was the case with this morning’s first panel on the new releases from Anchor Bay Entertainment. If you have followed my articles over the years, many of you know my weird fandom (obsession some may call it) with Charisma Carpenter. When I saw her name listed as appearing to discuss new DVD releases, I knew we had to be…

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