Guess I missed that bit – must have happened in Ultimate X-Men, because it didn’t happen in Ultimatum #1.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
Actually, I think Ultimatum #1 had her in that group of X-Men walking around when the tidal wave hit and IIRC, Angel carried her body to higher ground, but they never confirmed in that one that she was dead.
I can’t remember for sure, not much from Ultimatum #1 stuck with me beyond the broadstrokes.
Who’s next? Sue Storm.
Now I can use my book “101 uses for a dead re-invented character that was lame”