Warner Brothers Studios has announced an anime movie set in the world of The Lord of the Rings titled The War of the Rohirrim. The movie features on the human kingdom of Rohan and features the return of The Lord of the Rings actor, Miranda Otto, to reprise her role as Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan. This is a weekly Let’s Get Nerdy article series highlighting a different piece of Tolkien I think you need to know about!
Happy Wednesday, Spoilerites!
It’s been six months since the last time I had the opportunity to update you and write about The War of the Rohirrim. Over the past several weeks there have been many updates about the project that are good, good, and anywhere in between. Today, we’re going to catch up with what you need to know and in the coming weeks explore what we know about some of these people, places, and locations that are going to come to the forefront in the movie.
20 minutes of footage were shown and well received! Fellowship of Fans were the first to share this exciting news online:
… at Annecy Film Festival, the first 20 minutes of the ‘The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim’ was revealed and from our sources we have a complete rundown of the scenes, characters and footage seen to the audience. Of course, this will include spoilers for the upcoming film slated to release this December- let’s begin
If you are interested in reading a full spoiler-filled account of what was seen in the footage Fellowship of Fans has it. Below are images of some of the characters confirmed in the Annecy footage released exclusively via Entertainment Weekly:
Variety included some more details about the story of the movie itself, including:
The new story is set nearly 200 years before Bilbo Baggins comes into contact with the ring of power, and centers on the House of Helm Hammerhand, the King of Rohan (voiced by Brian Cox), with a focus on his daughter, the strong willed Princess Héra (voiced by Gaia Wise). In the clip, a dispute erupts during a council meeting, leaving Wulf, a ruthless Dunlending lord, seeking vengeance. Miranda Otto reprises her “Lord of the Rings” role as Éowyn, this time as the movie’s narrator.
And The War of the Rohirrim official IMDB Page has been updated to include several more members of the voice talent and creative team.
People Magazine spoke with producer (and creative force behind the original Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film trilogy), Philippa Boyens had this to say about the work of director Kenji Kamiyama:
“There are certain things I don’t think we could have necessarily done — or they would have made it extremely expensive — elements to the storytelling that you could do in anime in a way that was kind of breathtaking, actually.”
The War of Rohirrim will release in cinemas on December 13th, 2024.
If there’s anything you want to see explored about The War of Rohirrim in future please comment below!