Gotta squeeze this one in, just to upset those of you who think politics and comics shouldn’t mix. It’s all in good fun.
It’s just a bit of fun, really, but I get a real kick out of imagining what a Conan/Swamp Thing administration would be like. Â I figure national security wouldn’t be a problem (who’d wanna mess with an axe wielding barbarian?) and environmental issues would definitely take center stage. Â Hell, even the current financial mess in the US would probably benefit — you could imagine President Conan meeting with Wall Street heads and scowling, “Crom! Â You’re all thieves! Â You should all be strung up by your fat necks!“.
And if your are interested in politics in comics, you should really check out our recent Major Spoilers podcast where we discussed these issues in depth.
HAve you ever wondered how will Conan look if he were blonde? Although the first official conan comic was done by Marvel in 1970, Mexican editorial JOMA produced a series of 60 issues of the Queen of the Black Coast, called “La Reina de la Costa Negra” In that series, Conan’s gal, Belit was the main protagonist, while conan was only her sidekick.
Despite my misgivings about Swamp Thing’s lack of executive experience and Conan’s horrible track record in foreign affairs, I’ll cast my ballot for them. America can’t survive another eight years of corporate greed and egomania that would come with a Stark/Wayne administration.