Mad Cave Studios announced the July 2023 release of Under the Influence by writer Eliot Rahal and artist Stefano Simeone.
A teenage sociopath, Paul Kozac, has accidentally created an internet cult called The Hot Dog Party. When a prank turns deadly, the F.B.I. sends in an undercover agent, Cara Cole, to investigate and infiltrate their ranks. Now Cara battles against real stakes, fake news, and memes in a character-driven story about power structures and the communities you build. This is a story about “Click to follow” cultism during the age of social media.
“Cults as an idea are very fascinating to me. How they work,” said Eliot Rahal in a press release from Mad Cave Studios. “The relationship between the cult members and cult leaders. And now it really seems that we as a species have moved into a new era of cults through the internet. Sometimes I can’t help but think about where this is all going. Fortunately, Mad Cave was there to give me that opportunity. Overall, Under The Influence is a five-issue story about an internet cult that gets too big, inertia, and hot dogs. All power to Stefano Simeone who brings so much dynamic action to a book that has to deal with the internet and screens a lot. Also, a special shout out to editor Steenz who was fundamental in the story process. And also to Chas Pangburn who sewed it all together.”
Under the Influence arrives on July 5, 2023.