Old Man Thor is King but a King of what? Asgard and Midgard are in ruins and there isn’t much for King Thor to rule. Can Thor defeat Gorr, the God of God Butchers, and bring back his former glory? Find out in King Thor #2 by Marvel Comics.
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Esad Ribic
Colorist: Ive Svorcina
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Will Moss
Publisher Marvel
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 23rd, 2019
Previously in King Thor: Loki has found the All-Black Necrosword and has taken this weapon to a final battle with his brother Thor. However as the battle rages, the sword releases the Butcher of Gods. Thor now prepares to fight Gorr once more. He defeated him once but he is older and tired from his battle with Loki.
Thor is exhausted and injured from his battle with Loki and is shocked to find Gorr alive and healthy. Gorr begins to tie up Thor and Loki but Thor is able to summon his lightning abilities to send Gorr into space! Thor reasons with Loki to help him fight this evil but Loki seems unconvinced. Realizing he doesn’t have any help, Thor summons Mjolnir and flies into space after Gorr. Meanwhile, The Girls of Thunder realize that the best way to save the world is through prayer. Many people begin to pray to Thor and Loki causing Loki to change his mind. During the explosive confrontation, Thor throws dying planets at Gorr to no avail. When Loki arrives, he gets a quick cheap shot in before getting his arm cut off and being stabbed in his eyes. Thor tries to encourage Loki to help him fight but both of them are enveloped into darkness.
I like the concept of an older Thor and Loki still persisting in their life long battles and then coming back together for a single threat. It has the potential to add a new twist on a story that we have seen quite often. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very happy with these theme execution. I wanted desperately to see something new and different but it was the same core story that we have seen before. It doesn’t matter the age of our title character; it is still the same story with effectively the same narrative arc. However while Loki and Thor’s story feels similar, Gorr is a compelling antagonist. We have a lot of dialogue that reveals his psyche and shows why he is a powerful enemy against the power of King Thor. When you put an enemy against a god, the god has to be interesting but still down to earth enough to be relatable to the reader. Good work on Gorr.
While the theme is something we have seen before, the pacing of the book felt very fast and keeps you on the edge of your seat. King Thor is in a desperate situation and the reader is thrown from one scene to the next. When you approach the story like this you can feel that desperation of our hero. Thor is trying to defeat a difficult enemy with little time to think and I can feel that anxiety coming off the page. The creative team did a great job bringing us into the mindset of Thor and I applaud the effect that they successfully pulled off.
It did have some cool art effects drawn in. The way that the artist interpreted the darkness and Gorr’s All Black powers was an interesting and compelling interpretation. The combat featured cool scenes like Thor throwing a dead planet is a super cool concept. The creative theme did a great job representing these ideas onto the page.
The book is not a new concept and doesn’t tell a new story. I think Thor fans will enjoy this book but for a new reader; I would point them somewhere else. 3 out of 5 stars for King Thor #2 by Marvel Comics.
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The book is not a new concept and doesn’t tell a new story. I think Thor fans will enjoy this book but for a new reader; I would point them somewhere else.