In stores today is the fourth installment of The Killer: Modus Vivendi from Archaia. The company sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek that you can read, then head out to the store to pick up the issue.
Retail Price: $3.95 U.S.
Page Count: 32 pages
Format: saddle bound, 6.875” x 10.25”, full color
On-sale Date: July 14, 2010
Written by Matz
Illustrated by Luc Jacamon
Ordinary People, Part 2. The Killer’s involvement with the Cuban agent Katia deepens, and he is once again drawn to wondering about his place in the world. Things in Venezuela go as planned but now our Killer is caught in the middle of a high-stakes play between the Americans and the Cubans.
Mature Readers (series contains Nudity, Graphic Violence and Adult Content)