Titan has announced that Tommy Lee Edwards will be signing the upcoming Torchwood comic at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.
Following the announcement in June that Tommy Lee Edwards and John Barrowman are teaming up for ‘Captain Jack and the Selkie’, an original story for Titan’s new Torchwood comic, based on the hit BBC show, Titan will be giving Comic-Con attendees an exclusive opportunity to purchase Torchwood comic #1, before it hits comic stores on August 10, 2010.
You can catch Edwards in Autograph Alley (AA20) from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM on Saturday, July 24, 2010.
That’s one sweet-ass looking cover!
It’d be an expensive variant though, when I factor in SDCC ticket price, flights & accommodation from Australia.
Anyone going that could pick me up one?
I’m not paying extra if they don’t even want to spend the money coloring it in. Sheesh!