It’s an issue about a burger gone bad in Bob’s Burgers #16 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Bob’s Burgers #16
writer: Rachel Hastings
artists: T.G. Hopkins, Maggie Harbaugh,
Brad Rader
covers: Mario D’Anna (a), Travis Millard (b)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Gene, Louise, and Tina share a spooky story of a burger gone bad in issue #16 of the Bob’s Burgers Comic Book! Bob prepares a burger with a strange spice, but when a hungry Gene reaches for it and pricks his finger, the kids find out that it’s the burger that’s hungry – for blood. As it grows and brings great success to the restaurant, the kids have to decide whether to continue to feed the burger, or fry it.