Will Eisner’s The Spirit #2
writer: Matt Wagner
artists: Dan Schkade & Brennan Wagner
covers: Eric Powell
incentive cover: Eric Powell (“virgin art”)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
With Central City feeling the vacuum left by The Spirit’s long disappearance, Ebony and Sammy set out to find out what happened to their old friend. Their trail takes them to familiar surroundings and in pursuit of one of the masked vigilante’s most nefarious foes. Meanwhile, both Commissioner Dolan and his daughter Ellen must face obstacles of their own. This all new series celebrates the 75th anniversary of Will Eisner’s iconic character, scripted by Eisner Award-winner Matt Wagner with interior art by the team of Dan Schkade and colorist Brennan Wagner and featuring a cover by Eric Powell.