In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The attack on Spud’s keep begins!
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The books puns were worth it, Adrianna wins pun award for this pod of casting.
I want a Byum spin-off series. I don’t care if it just Matthew telling stories about his adventures; I just want more of the “the bird” wonderfulness.
He is the only character so far to not just break the fourth wall, but be actively aware of it and do it consciously. Specifically, when he told a joke directly to Adrianna and participated in the out-of-character conversation about hummingbird feeding habits.
Biium! Biium! #IAmDeBird!
I knew as I was typing it that I’d end up being wrong in the spelling.
How do hummingbirds feed their young?
Hummingbirds usually feed tiny insects and spiders to their young. They insert them right into the mouths of their babies. They’ll also feed nectar and pollen to the young birds. They do this by holding it in their throats and then squirting it into the mouth of the nestlings. Sometimes this will cause the youngster’s throat to swell temporarily, resembling a goiter
So here’s how I see the series ending: They defeat Spud in a glorious battle, then in a bizarre anticlimax, the Feywild starts returning to normal immediately. Orem turns to his father and apologizes for acting on his hubris before paternal advice. Papa Rivendorn just smiles and tells him that the first thing you learn in business school is not to burn any bridges. Orem is puzzled by this remark, Torq comes to a terrible realization and Ket apologizes before releasing a crippling blast on all the heroes as the imagery of the feywild melts away to reveal the office of Asmodeus himself.
Asmodeus then reveals that he had lured them into making a pact with him in the guise of the Hogba and will now use Ket and Randus to lay siege to the natural world, fulfilling two prophecies at once (yes, including a fake one). In a moment of desperation, Trelle calls the Baltinoc and flees with Orem and Torq in the confusion. They make a desperate run for the natural world, hoping to find allies and stop Asmodeus… in the next season of Critical Hit.
Yes but will there be party hats involved?
ugh god I finally caught up and now I don’t know what to do when the next episode isn’t out!!
I know I am behind on episodes and still catching up, but I had to make a comment: Adriana’s response to cute things is one of the most adorable things I’ve heard on this podcast. It’s almost like she is saying, “oh no this cuteness overload is causing my face to melt”. Oh no.