The webcomic site The Chemsitry Set announced Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood (from Silver Bullet Comic Books) are joining the list of Chemistry Set creators. The duo will be bringing their miniseries, The Gloom to the site soon.
The Gloom is the tale of Carson Kane, a 1940’s industrialist who, by night, takes to the street as an Angel of Vengeance, his two hellfire pistols in his hands. But, although it pulls from the best of 40’s pulp iconology, it’s been dubbed ‘A Mel Brooks movie of a comic’ for its parody and humor. From Nazis to talking monkeys in fez’s, to atomic terrorists to Britain’s first super team, The Gloom has it all. Silver Bullet Comic Books reviewer Reggie Rigby even said of it “buy this book – sell a kidney if you have to.”
The Gloom debuts October 19th.