It’s bad enough H’wood is actually making View-Master the movie, now Mattel’s most famous toy, Barbie is getting a feature, too. Universal Pictures won the rights to the live action treatment, with Laurence Mark, of Jerry Maguire fame, producing the flick.
Meanwhile, on Eternia…
He-Man got some sad news a couple of weeks ago, when Warner Bros. and Mattel parted ways, but the big galoot has stumbled his way into a new home at Columbia. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on which side of the paycheck your are sitting on, all of the previously prepared content has been scrapped. This means the script and all the pre-production will need to be rebuilt from the ground up, so hopefully Columbia knows what it is doing.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a re-envisioned He-Man, something that takes itself a bit seriously. … Kinda hard to do with a name like He-Man, maybe.
… It doesn’t help his cause that he’s eviscerating Barbie in the picture above. Does He-Man have something against girls from Malibu?
Ken would kick his ass…but them Ken isn’t exactly the poster-child for a “he-man” himself…with that missing genitalia and all. ;-)
Yeah, I’m kind of curious as to just exactly why He-Man appears to be stabbing Barbie in the gut, too.
Ug … live action girl toys sounds like a bad idea to me. The only “girl” toy that i think could really rock an awesome movie is Jem and the Holograms (or she-ra).
He-man could be done well but i seriously doubt that’ll happen. Movies based on toys = grownly bad trend.