Diamond Select Toys has unveiled the series 19 and 20 Marvel Mini-Mate collections that arrive in December. The collections include a couple long awaited characters including Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man, Mysterio, and Archangel.
Take the jump for the complete breakdown and pics of the figures.
Series 19 features the first appearance of everyone’s favorite wall-crawling web-head, Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man, along with one of his most troublesome enemies, the elusive Mysterio! Also included in this assortment is the awe-inspiring Ms. Marvel and one of the Avengers’ most deadly threats – Ultron! Not to be outdone, the immortal Apocalypse and his Horseman of Death Archangel are included in the last two-pack along with a variant Archangel Minimate complete with new costume and blond 80’s ‘doo!
Series 20 continues this trend of awe-inspiring match-ups with Smart Hulk and one of his most widely known villains – the unstoppable Abomination. The X-Men’s own Havok and Polaris will be together forever as well – at least in plastic form. Last in this assortment are two of the most decorated Avengers in recent memory: the recently-resurrected Hawkeye and the still-dead Vision – complete with a limited variant from the Young Avengers, Vision 2.0!
Awww, wook at da cute wittle Ultwon!!!!
That Mysterio figure cracks me up. Looks like he sneezed in his helmet. “I’m blind!!!”
Wait… That isn’t Ultron!!! Ultron is a naked woman, dammit!
(I want the old Ultron back..sniff)
Seriously all jokes aside, that Ultron may be the coolest mini-mate I’ve ever seen.