The deadline for submitting your costume for the 2011 Major Spoilers Costume Contest is closed, which means it is time to take a gander at all the entries for this year’s big giveaway!
Thank you to everyone who entered this year, we are amazed at how many entries we received.
Some great costumes, and great people who entered!
Who will make the Top Five? Find out tomorrow when voting opens for the best costume of 2011!
The only one I really, really like is Oracle. For me, simplicity and creative thinking win over the “who has the biggest chest pads.” Go Babs!
=D Thank you!
wow, awesome on top of awesome.
In no particular order:
Evil and nice Mary Marvel, Wolverine, strong as Bane Bane, Jean Grey, Black Canary, Jinx, the last YL Scarecrow, Silent Hill nurse, Bat-Knight, inflight Scarlet Witch, Deadpool and Mystique.
All the entries are great but those are spot on perfect combinations of costume, body type and expression to character. I really don’t envy U guys having to pick the top 5, I’d have a hard time picking a top 10…
Thank you! (RE: Jean Grey :))
I totally dug that Bizzaro outfit. And a whole lotta Tanya.
So much awesome! There are some really cool and well done costumes here, including some great obscure characters! Good Luck trying to narrow this down to five!
Yay! I’m very excited for this contest! Best of luck to all!
I’m pictured: Jean Grey, Scarlet Witch (vinyl, full pink unitard), Mystique. A few of my friends are in here, too, so LOVE YOU GUYS! <3
The War Machine one…
Best. Superhero. Scenery. Ever.
The outfit is great, though.
Top 5? Gotta go War Machine (love the booze next to the Iron Man helmet), ,Mystique and Jean Grey as the best of the ladies, Deadpool (love the caption boxes), and for god sakes people, M.O.D.O.K!!!
Thank you! I’m the same person! LOL (RE: Jean and Mystique)
Go Firestar! Looks like how I imagine it would look in real life. I guess because…it is in real life. *confused*
Thanks! (Firestar)
Whats with all the bad cheap looking Scarlet Witches?
My boyfriend and I are the Rogue and Gambit! *crosses fingers* Thanks guys!
I had to look through the list twice.
Once to see the well made and well thought out costumes, once to stare at the scantily clad ladies (and pretend I hadn’t). XD
My favorites are a tie between the Rogue and Gambit and the Teen Titans Jinx.
Thank you! (From the Rogue and Gambit ;)!)
A lot of nice costumes. A lot of reallt nice costumes. And also a lot of the male charaters looks great.
I liked the featured Scarlet Witch the best, and Super Adaptoid, Thor, Jean Grey, Wonder Woman, and Huntress, and Bizarro.
I’m going with most rare…
1) Super-adaptoid
2) Warlock
3) Scarlet Spider
4) Modok
5) Dream
Though I thought, both White Queens, Jean Grey, Deadpool, Mystique, Rogue and Gambit and Wolverine were all increadibly done (those x-folks must be pretty serious cosplayers). They looked better than movie versions!
Thank you! (RE: Jean/Mystique here). I have movie version Jean, but, my heart belongs to 90’s design *worships Jim Lee*
There are some AWESOME costumes, there! Would it be possible to number them or something? It’s a bit of a challenge to try to convey, “THAT Scarlet Witch was really good…no, not that one….the other one…”
There are some fantastic costumes in this year’s contest.
Some of my favorites are:
The Black Terror
Mr. Freeze
Chell and Wheatley
Electra Woman
JLI Black Canary
I am not as much of a geek as I thought I was, I can’t identify some of these costumes. Though, I am old enough to remember watching Electra woman and Dyna girl.
Thanks Frank, The Black Terror costume was really fun to make.
Lots o0f good ones…Personal favorites
1) Classic Mary Marvel
2) Black Lantern Ice (like the snow)
3)Super Adaptoid
9)Scarlet Spider
11) 2nd Red Skull
12)Animated Mr Freeze (awesome)
Thanks Rob! (Mr. Freeze)
That is a lot of great costumes. Some of my personal favorites – Bane, Red Skull (picture titled Red-Skull-3), Joker (picture title is a string of numbers), and Kearstin’s Jean and Mystique.
Yeah! Thanks for all the compliments!
Tanya Tate (Invisible Woman/Electrawoman/Green Lantern/She-ra/Emma Frost)
Is this every single entry, or a narrowed down group of entries?
That awkward moment when you realize one of the costumes you did and sent in might too obscure even for your fellow comic geeks. =P
It’s gonna be some stiff competition this year, I don’t know who to root for.
Huge fan of the Silent Hill nurse and the Ultimate Spider-Woman costume (Loved that costume so much). I like so many on here though, kudos to everyone, picking a top 5 will be hard to do.
Super-Adaptoid FTW!!!
I really liked the protagonist from Dragon Age II, the Scarlet Witch with flowing cape, Bizarro (need the #1 sign around his neck), and Black Canary by the columns. Super Adaptoid looks nice, but I would have preferred a full body shot to see the rest of the costume – what is visible looks good. Also, props for the two women courageous enough to demonstrate that an Emma Frost costume might be “feasible” in the real world, even if not practical by any stretch of the imagination.
Black lantern ice. Stole my heart. That picture is sheer wonderful.