writer: Tom Sniegoski
artist: Craig Rousseau
covers: Francesco Mattina (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Bjorn Barends (C), Felipe Massafera (D), Eric Powell (E)
FC | All Cardstock Covers | 32 pages | Adventure | $4.99 | Teen
The Defenders of Planet Amzot return for the second spectacular installment of their all-new adventures!
Following last issue’s attack by off-world raiders, the Herculoids face a new challenge from an unexpected direction: the very ground beneath their feet! Behold, the coming of the Mole-Men!
Writer TOM SNIEGOSKI (Vampirella, Hellboy) and artist CRAIG ROUSSEAU (Batman Beyond, Gotham Adventures) dig deep into Amzot’s secrets with The Herculoids #2 — and the resulting riches are wrapped in the finest of covers from FRANCESCO MATTINA, JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, BJORN BARENDS, FELIPE MASSAFERA, and the legendary creator of The Goon, ERIC POWELL!