It’s a tradition of mine each year to talk about what’s happening in the comics industry that I’m grateful for. Hey, this is the week for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S., so let me talk briefly about a few things I’m happy about!
Now that the pandemic is behind us, it’s great to see the various conventions (or “cons” to us fans) back in business! In Central Florida where I live, pretty much all of them are up and running again, some even bigger and better than before!
Of course, the one I get to each year is MegaCon, located in nearby Orlando. I have managed to get all I want done on Friday each year, so I expect 2025 will be very similar in focus! I don’t find nearly as many comics publishers there as I would like, but I do get to make face-to-face contacts with creators who are there.
While the cons are doing big business, there is one development that concerns me a lot. A lot of fellow fans I know who attended this year’s New York Comic Con (NYCC) noted that the number of comics companies actually making their presence known has drastically reduced from previous years, and it seems anime is filling the gap left behind. I have often called NYCC my “favorite convention” because of all the possibilities for a podcaster like me to take advantage of. Sadly, until I hear different, I’m going to have to change my priorities and leave NYCC behind. Sigh.
Until then, I’m going to have to focus on more cons closer to home, including Dragon Con in Atlanta and San Diego Comic Con. Of course, there are plenty more…
I have often been vocal on my less-than-stellar opinions of Chip Zdarsky’s Batman storytelling. All that got shoved aside when Scott Snyder returned to the Dark Knight with Absolute Batman #1, which recently went back to press for a fourth printing.
His previous run on Batman really has become the gold standard for that character for me, so I was happy to hear about his return to DC and Bruce Wayne’s alter ego. And, boy, he has not disappointed in any way! In fact, I recently saw a DC news release stating that Absolute Batman #1 was the “top comic” of the year. Well deserved, in my opinion.
I love that Alfred is back, and he’s kicking butt and taking names this time! I also love that Batman is more a force of nature instead of an intelligent kicker of butt. There are some interesting surprises as well, including what has (or has not) happened to Bruce’s family.
Now, the other “Absolute” books so far aren’t quite in the same league as Batman. Wonder Woman being raised in hell, well, that’ll take some time for me to warm up to. And Superman proves that the biggest universal constant is that corporate greed is unconquerable and can be found in even the most and least developed societies anywhere! That is, in fictional stories literally for decades! Can we try something else for a change, please?
It seems that every year there are some great books on the stands that deserve our attention.
The first books I want to focus on are the various Star Trek comics coming out from IDW. As a long-time Trek fan, I have to highly recommend every single book they are putting out. They are doing things very consistent with the characters while going “where no one has gone before.” I truly appreciate seeing Captain Benjamin Sisko back in action, albeit in a very different role than I ever expected—a Starship captain! They also use “sidelined” officers in excellent ways, so Trek fans ought to be onboard with these comics!
I do have to once again highlight the various YA (young adult) books from DC. They are a pleasure to read. Included with this, I would put the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures that first appear on Webtoons before being collected for trades. They have been wonderful reading!
Sometimes, Indie comics are outpacing the major publishers. One franchise I really enjoy is the Astral series of books from Pet Piranha Entertainment. They are in the middle of their “Vengeance” story, and boy, is that ever great reading!
I’ve recently been checking out comics from Europe and other parts of the world. One franchise I adore is the Carthago series of books. I’m not usually into horror, especially nature’s own horror, but these books are gripping reading! I can’t put them down! Highly recommended!
I knew that nothing lasts forever, so I haven’t been very surprised to see the Whatnot app starting to decline. Yes, there are still deals to be had and some auctions worth checking out, but it isn’t quite what it was just a few years ago.
The Arrowverse is finally coming to an end on The CW. Superman and Lois only has about one episode left to go, and I will be grieving once that airs. I never thought the actor who plays the Man of Steel would ever grow on me, but he’s been quite an amazing Superman on many levels! After that, there won’t be much DC superheroics on the small screen except for the occasional great Batman: Caped Crusader on Prime. I hope Absolute Batman will sparkle for years to come to make up the difference!
Again in 2024, I feel it’s important to point out that I truly appreciate the chance to write and create podcasts and columns for fans here at
MajorSpoilers’ Head Honcho Stephen Schleicher and the rest of the people working here do a terrific job of keeping us all up to date and hearing a wide variety of opinions. We need to be aware of what’s happening, and MajorSpoilers is an important resource when it comes to learning what is going on in the comics industry! As always, you all do a great job, Stephen!
What do you think? What’s going on in the comics industry that you’re happy about? Feel free to share your opinions below! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving in 2024, and I thank each and every one of you who reads my columns or listens to my podcast episodes! You really make my day every time!
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