It’s time to explore the biggest word in fandom this side of “continuity” on this week’s Geek History Lesson as we dare to examine the thing that holds it all together – “CANON”. What exactly does it mean? How can canon be applied to the things we love most? And, most important of all – does canon really matter? Jason and Ashley tackles canons with specific rules from DC Comics to Marvel Comics, canon that negate any kind of rules from Doctor Who to Sherlock Holmes, dive into their feelings on the canon of their own comic book properties, and reveal how much reverence they thing the concept of canon is due across multiple mediums: comic books, television, movies, and MOAR! It’s time to talk canon!
Listen to “Canon: Why It Does and Doesn’t Matter” on Spreaker.
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You can find Ashley on Twitter @AshleyVRobinson and Jason on Twitter @Jawiin.
Thanks for showing up to class today. Class dismissed!